Cursor Problem
Hi there,
i am having problem with my sketchup cursor. it seems like the cursor is running out of it's position. when i draw a line, the cursor is drawing the line without the tip of the pencil (the cursor) on the line. and it does the same for selecting and erasing lines. i have tried uninstalling the software and even deleted the whole folder before installing it again. still the problem exist. can someone gimme some advice?
Hi Yvan,
This sound like some kind of OpenGL issue with your video card/driver. To test if it is the case, go to Window (on PC) > Preferences > OpenGL settings and first try to uncheck fast feedback and if it doesn't help, also harware acceleration.
If this latter sems to help, don't be happy with it because it means that either your video card or its driver does not fully supprort OpenGL. You may need to upgrade your video diver (you can downloa it from the manufacturer's ite) or even you may need to get a better video card.
A blank white square under your cursor indicates that your display is not set up to True Colour.
Cursor trouble is sometimes corrected by switching off the Fast Feedback feature (Window>Preferences>OpenGL pane). This does not slow down SU as much as switching off Hardware Acceleration does.
Also, some nonstandard mouse derivers (like Logitech's MouseWare or Microsofts Intellipoint) have been known to cause trouble with SU - using the standard Windows mouse driver sometimes helps.
Just suggestions
thanks. you guys been a great help...