James Bond theme
Well 'Q' and 'Moneypenny' were absent from the last Bond movie and hardly anyone noticed or gave a damn as the movie was brilliant.
"My name is Bond, James Bond" is just corny in this day and age, and especially from a character like Daniel Craig it would just not work and the Bond franchise needed some reinventing as Brosnan staled up the character.
As for "shakin, not stirred", who in the world actually orders anything like that? maybe this Bond is best suited with .. "Make mine a dirty one" instead.The last time I was excited about a new Bond movie was yonks ago with the release of 'For your eyes only' but after seeing 'Casino Royale' on DVD (as i was expecting another crappy Bond movie like so many before it) that I am now excited again and there is a follow-on story with a character that is being developed with every new instalment.
I really do like the new Bond, I feel one can relate to him. I think he is based on the 'Bourne' character.
I like the new Bond, and look forward to te new film. But.....................this song
doesn't cut it as a main theme - bond deserves much, much better.
Why is there a james bond thread on sketchucation?
LOL. I think that we MIGHT want to stick to sketchup
This is the SCF corner bar, people can (and do) discuss whatever they want here.
Re: forum ettiquette, why are you posting in a thread that's over a year old?
Sorry to be the voice of dissent (for a change LOL) re: the "new" Bond films, but I was massively disappointed with Casino Royale. There was so much promise, but frankly IMO the director just delivered much of the same cheesy unrealistic stunts and mini-storylines as the worst of the Pierce Brosnan era films. Jumping 40 feet from one tower crane to another just to chase a guy, when you could have just stood on the ground and waited for him to come down? Then jumping off that tower crane onto a roof which is a drop of about 4 or 5 storeys totally uninjured? Being poisoned to the point of cardiac arrest, treating yourself with a defibrillator and then walking back into a card game 10 minutes later to resume play? The average A Team stunt (helicopter flies into mountain, explodes in fireball and bad guys still climb out alive) was more believable than much of the Casino Royale scenes. IMO Goldfinger and On Her Majesty's Secret Service have yet to be surpassed in terms of having all the elements of a "classic" Bond film, plus the realism required to truly engage the viewer. After those the best Bond films never made were the Bourne trilogy (or the first two at least)- the moment I saw the first one I knew this was what a 21st century Bond film should be, brutal, realistic, few explosions, few gadgets (is anyone impressed by Bond's gadgets anymore when school kids have GPS, cameras, world maps and email in their phones?).
Ironically while I agree the new theme is a bit of a mess, I actually kind of like it LOL. Jack White's style is too affected, but I quite like the roughness of the new track. Perhaps if it have been performed by other artists and better produced it would have hit the spot.
I second that jackson
Solo said
@unknownuser said:"My name is Bond, James Bond" is just corny in this day and age
If we were to start a list of quotes and tips to orientate new scf users I would nominate this.
But I wonder when saying you surname first was considered demure.Personally I think a line has been crossed when they start messing with the Bond theme. What next?
Plausible plot lines = James Bond dies, the tuxedo compromised the armed assault
A realistic job description = 'Licensed to Kill' becomes 'Authorised Life Choices Technician'
Removal of blatant product placement even when the products don't exist, watered down to trying to redirect a missile on an iphone and then just accepting that there isn't an app for it yet.
edit: just seen the age of this thread, screw it, I've posted now
isn't that beautiful? that a thread, dead for a year now, suddenly reawakes...
mind you, it is almost time to start discussing the next bond. after all, what I heard is, that they are going to start shooting it soon - in New York.
and it is likely that the Quantum Organisation is showing up again; only with a different villain.
well, Mr. White is still alive, isn't he? -
Nearer two years than one...and it's still a crap tune. Yes, I can see that it is trying to fit in with a grungier type of Bond, but I think it's a mistake to carry that too far...you just end up with Jason Bourne (only he happens to be called James Bond). As it is, it seems like all movies in this genre are now shot in the obligatory desaturated blue-green. Bond films used to be trend-setting, not trend-following.
PS I've always wondered if the two names both beginning with Ja... Bo... was a deliberate subliminal tactic on Ludlum's part.
I just watched Quantum of Solace the other day. and the next day 'Never say never again'.
oh my god. the difference is so huge.the old bond movies are like a story being told to you. all the actors 'play' charakters, the special effects create images that tell you, what is supposed to happen (they don't have to be realistic, you just need to grasp the idea). the whole story, the whole movie just is so naive and almost romantic, somehow very innocent and childlike. it feels like a stage play that doesn't take itself too seriously.
the new bond hits you right in the face from the first second, it hurtles along, barely giving you time to breath inbetween the outbursts of violence. and all that brought to the screen with stunning images and special effects, where you can't tell the difference between real and fake.
it seems to me that whereas the old movies tell the tale of James Bond, the new films show how it really happend. and that isn't restricted just to images and effects. it is the same with the character Bond. in the old movies we saw that superior, invincible cliche of a hero. in the new movies we find James Bond to be much more human. we start to understand how he became the man he is, we are even shown, that much of it is fassade, a shield to protect himself - from the cruelty of the life he lives in, the violence, the losses...
so now there are two completely different approaches. one tells you about James Bond, grasping the essence of it and painting a very stylised image. the other showing you James Bond, with every little detail, with dirt and scratches and imperfections.
I think it is for everyone to decide, which Bond he prefers.
I loved Jason Bourne - and I definitely love the new James Bond.oh, yes: and Daniel Craig rocks!
@jackson said:
This is the SCF corner bar, people can (and do) discuss whatever they want here.
Re: forum ettiquette, why are you posting in a thread that's over a year old?
Erm...Good question. IDK
(Seeing as this thread has been dug up, I'll post anyway)
My $.02...
The new Bond films are missing that tongue-in-cheek humor that all of the other films had. These are just hard, dirty and brutal films; very serious and violent most of the time. I miss some of the silliness and, of course, "Q" and Moneypenny. That's what made them fun to watch, they were never really edge-of-your-seat type films. The Bond franchise has always had a sort of "comic book" feel to them, and that's completely gone now. Oh well, it's a new generation. Oh yeah, and I think the music is pretty awful too. That said, I do thing Craig is an excellent Bond.
@escapeartist said:
The Bond franchise has always had a sort of "comic book" feel to them, and that's completely gone now.
thats exactly what I meant. and thats the direction most action movies are heading these days. so now they are telling the 'real' story, based on which the 'heroes' of the comics where invented in the first place.
thats bad for you, if you prefered the comics... (and good for me, because I prefer it that way)
Guess who my sister recently met in Paarl, South Africa?
Cool, is your sister living in South Africa?
Shes out there about 8 years now - only one very bad experience but she absolutely loves the place so would not come home. She has her own business designing handbags and has a background in textile design - she is the artistic one in the family!!!
Sounds good, I'm a South African (or at least was one) beautiful country.
Is Daniel Craig filming in SA? maybe the next Bond instalment.
I think he was there on holiday - he was in buying wine at a local winery where my sister and a friend were having lunch and she got a brief chat with him. Siad he was a nice guy.