New to sketchup forum
I am new to the forum, but I test drove sketchup a couple years ago and have a pretty good idea how it works. I am much more familiar with ProE and SolidWorks, but those aren't free for personal use. I have Ubuntu installed on my desktop and laptop at home and the last time I tried installing Sketchup in Wine I didn't have much luck. Today at work I came across this cool plugin for sketchup that allows a person to analyze the heat loss of their house. I would really like to use this plugin to evaluate my house. Does anyone know of any tutorials or have any suggestions on how to make this work easily?
Cory -
Hi, Cory, and welcome! I don't have an answer to your question, but I did want to just say, "Hello!"
Are you looking how to make the plugin work or how to get SU working in wine?
If tis the latter there has been a few threads about it already:
I'm looking for something that can walk me through how to use this plugin.