What's your beginners tip?
Required Newbie Watching.
Watch these great videos before getting too far. You may find one to answer your immediate question.
Experieced users will also learn things they never knew or forgot.
I would have to say the single most important thing you can do with any software is go through every menu item until you understand what they do. I mean EVERYTHING. From the filemenu on... all the way to preferences and the help menu. You may not understand every menu items usage right away, but you will find later on that by familiarizing yourself with these options you will learn the software much quicker.
When i first started in computers--maybe 2 years ago, i am a late bloomer, i know
--i had no idea of usergroups, Usenet, chatrooms, much less how to find information on the net. I did not buy a video or read a book, i just opened the software and learned the damn thing.
Get up close an personal with the user interface and your learning will be so much more fun
Exactly. This is what Jean (Johnny) Lemire also suggests at his 3D BaseCamp session in the "Tips & Tricks" panel (last presenter in this video). -
Do NOT assign shortcuts to the numberpad keys, especially if you ever use the Numberpad to enter Measuremensts (VCB) values.
@jim said:
Do NOT assign shortcuts to the numberpad keys, especially if you ever use the Numberpad to enter Measuremensts (VCB) values.
And . . . don't use X as a shortcut key or you won't be able to create linear or radial patterns.
Similarly, dont use "/" as a shortcut either as its already used for arrays.
@greentoaster said:
And . . . don't use X as a shortcut key or you won't be able to create linear or radial patterns.
Not true. I have used X as my x-ray shortcut for years and have never had a problem.
Do this and it won't work - and I guarantee it:
Step 1
Select a group (very important)
Step 2
Window -->
Preferences -->
Shortcuts -->
Edit/Item/Flip Along/Group's Green -->
Add Shortcut (insert X in field) -->
Press the "+" button -->
OKStep 3
Copy the group -->
Now, the "x" function does NOT work -
Maybe Eric uses the * symbol for multiplying in arrays
Brad you are correct. If I do that "X" will not work as a shortcut. I was simply responding to your general statement saying: "Don't use X as a shortcut..." because you can, and I do.
I use X for explode. No problems there either. Even if I move/array a group. It will not explode the group.
Another tip ... Some things that are very important for me, and probably helpful to others:
-- I have trouble controlling fine movements with my mouse, so I use a WACOM TABLET. It's wonderful for SU work. The stylus is easy to use. It has buttons I can set to whatever I want. I put the tablet on my lap when I am at my desk, and I also have a left mouse that I use sometimes, especially for Rclick.
-- And when I go to the local coffeeshop and work, I bring my laptop. I'm obsessive about lightweight. The Wacom Tablet is too heavy and I hate touchpads. I found just the thing: a V-MOUSE. http://www.v-mouse.com/ It is a very lightweight optical mouse that you hold like a pen. I also got a teeny-tiny mouse for my left hand that I use only for its buttons.
@joelm3dm said:
-- I have trouble controlling fine movements with my mouse, so I use a WACOM TABLET. It's wonderful for SU work. The stylus is easy to use. It has buttons I can set to whatever I want. I put the tablet on my lap when I am at my desk, and I also have a left mouse that I use sometimes, especially for Rclick.
Id second that, i really like my wacom.
While on the subject of hardware that can help, I would really suggest folks trying the 'Space Explorer' or 'navigator', it's not for everyone and does take getting used to, but once you get going it can increase productivity tremendously. I use it daily and owe my ability to model as fast as I do to it.
This is my first post to this group. I've found that using a wireless KB/trackball has been a great help. For PC I use an Adesso WKB 3000UB (http://www.adesso.com/products_detail.asp?productid=336). It's like a 2 handed mouse so you can quickly toggle between orbit (scroll wheel in and trackball) and pan (scroll wheel in and L mouse and trackball) when moving around the model. I see they have many more models now. Some may be better (like programmable function keys) but I find this KB to be ergonomic heaven. Anyone else using it or other input tools like this?
Hi all,
Before doing a big change that you are not sure of the result.....first, for security, make a copy of your work (save as). Sometimes, it's difficult to go back (even with CTRL+Z).
I think it's a good idea to save multiple releases of the same project, at importants steps. -
Erase all the centerlines that was been used for autocad before importing.
Instead of using multiple curves, try to make points so you wouln't forget drawing the arc itself in sketchup as curves inn autocad almost seem to fail connecting in one of its ends.
For fast modeling try to just use the exterior wall lines, use the windowizer for the doors and windows, its easier and faster when you're in a hurry.
Enjoy every bit of it modeling.
When the 'scroll wheel zoom' is not working as you wish... Press Z and zoom the good, old fashioned way.
To zoom on the selection, Right click > Zoom extents.
Until you get used to the 3-point perspective SketchUp uses, you might want to activate the colored crosshairs (Window > Preferences > Drawing > Display crosshairs).
My 2 cents.
As a complete newb myself, i would have to say use the instructor function to familiarize yourself with each tool and spend some time with each one.
Think of a simple project to do and see how it turns out.
Use this in conjunction with asking for advice and you will be pleasantly surprised.I would like to thank Gaieus for helping me out with a simple pvc fitting tut.
With that, i was able to create more complicated fittings on my own, first try!Thank you Gaieus for the help!
Work with all aspects of "Inference Locking" so it becomes second nature to you.