Terrain modelling
I am sure this qould have been answered 1000s of times somewhere. I looked into ruby script section and here but couldnt find the thread. Can someone please share how to do site modelling based on survey drawings? using any ruby scripts or any other method. Currently we immport CAD drawing into SUP and draw each survey curve lines on top of flat SUP place and push pull each face manually. It takes lot of time.Thanks in anticipaiton of your help.
Hi Rshah,
If you have imported the survey lines as vectors, why not just select a line (curve) at a time, move it to the desired height and when done, use the sandbox tools to create the terrain.
Even better if you can import the terrain lines already at the correct elevation.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Sometimes we do recieve survey info with curve lines elevated at correct heights. But when i import that drawing into SUP, i find that lines are all broken and if i try and select all and go to sand box to create curves from edges, it behaves unexpectedly and doesnt create surfaces nicely. I dont know how to explain this. I am going to do one test and post taht image here today so that you can understand what i mean.Thanks
There is a "CloseOpens.rb" ($ 20) at Smustard's that is supposed to find these little breks and close them.
Also I suggest you to use "SimplifyContours.rb" (croll down to the bottom) once you have very dens survey line system. It won't really affect the appearance of your terrain but may be of big help with big and detailed areas.