Kashino House - Tado Ando
Kashino House rendered as a scale model. Done in Hypershot
(right click 'view as' to see entire image)
Very Cool! I love how easy DOF is in hypershot. Great stuff Prince D.!
please share your materials...I REALLLY REALLY LOVE THIS MODEL
well done!! -
Nice one, i think the DOF adds a lot to the image.
I'm speechless!
I saw on Bunkspeeds website they will be releasing a new product called 'Hypermovie'.
I guess that tells us animation is coming.Nice output by the way.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. I have to say I am almost totally converted, I love this software. My only criticism is the fact that I can't seem to be able to adjust the field of view (meaning I can't get inside my models).. Maybe Kwistenbiebel might have an idea as he produced this a while ago..
Any advice appreciated!
Luckily for me the educational license is only $99 too@silver_shadow said:
please share your materials...I REALLLY REALLY LOVE THIS MODEL
well done!!It's all here: http://www.cgtextures.com
@kwistenbiebel said:
I saw on Bunkspeeds website they will be releasing a new product called 'Hypermovie'.
I guess that tells us animation is coming.Yup, Hypermove - it's meant to be a dumbed down cheaper version of Hyperdrive which is marketed specifically at the motor industry. It promises to be super simple but highly professional (haven't seen any output yet though). Rumor has it Hypershot V2 may also support some sort of animation..
Field of view is changed with control pressed and scrolling [might be alt or shift, haven't used hypershot in a while ^^]
Nice renders!
Hypershot Pro has what they call turntable rendering. It allows you to pick a start and finish angle and it will render multiple frames that rotate around the objects axis.
I'm in agreement with Kwistenbiebel, the pricing levels make no sense for this program. The only notable difference between the Pro and HD versions, from what I can tell, is the ability to do these turntable renders and the ability to render at an unlimited output size. I can't see how that justifies a $1500 price jump. (HD - $995 & Pro - $2500)
Prince D., like HFM said....adjutsting your FOV is done with Alt & Mouse wheel. It confused me at first too. What helped me was not using the mouse wheel to zoom, but rather use Alt + the right mouse button while moving left to right and using the mouse wheel only to set my FOV. You can't, for example, use the mouse wheel to go through walls, but the Alt+RMB will give you that ability. (also pressing "K" will bring up all the hotkeys) Hope that helps.
I got inside that model by using some shortcut keys.
Don't remember which though....I believe there is a help page containing all shortchuts within the program.Because of the license pricing I abandoned Hypershot.
It looks nice at first sight, but its maximum quality didn't exceed Podiums quality when I tried it.
The 2500 dollar thus turned me off even though it it is mighty fast. -
awsome tecnique
Prince, it seams to me that your first images, don't have the perspective view. The last one it's in perspective view. How you can control that?
By the way, very nice results! I may try it.EDIT: OK; I watch the tutorials...sorry!
Thanks for the advice everyone. I was using the mouse + scroll the whole time and not alt + right click drag. At the moment it's hard to get the angle I want, but I'm sure a bit of experience will sort that out. So I got into a model (was just testing the church of light) and found it extremely difficult to set up the interior - I would have already ruled interiors out if I had not seen kwistenbiebel's example above. I have a pretty good feeling that i'll still be using vray for interiors though