LUroomWIP: different view...
Wow... what a crazy scene! That cat on the left near the window is killing me
! I prefer that saturated one this time around because the others start to look bland IMO...
I feel as if I'm watching "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" all over again!
yeah..i've got to vote for the saturated one as well.. most vibrant, and that cat is hilarious! well, the entire scene..but..haha..
@unknownuser said:
Wow... what a crazy scene! That cat on the left near the window is killing me
! I prefer that saturated one this time around because the others start to look bland IMO...
I feel as if I'm watching "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" all over again!
I was thinking the same thing!
Great work as always, Tom!
Tom, what are those little things by the door? I've been trying to figure that out for a while now! Remember the Where's Waldo books? I keep looking for new things I didn't see before... I found that psycho cat and the pay phone... maybe you could tell us what inspired you to do this scene?
@unknownuser said:
I prefer that saturated one this time around because the others start to look bland IMO...
i also prefer the first. good job!
Any symbolism with the "yield" sign as the headboard of the bed. IE: we should yield to our desires....or is my brain just looking for something that is not there.
Remember the Group W bench and them all moving away when Arlo revealed his crime? Well, for that reason I’ll keep my cards close to my chest(vest?). But…yes, all the stuff means stuff. And usually each item wants to be more than just one thing (especially not just the trite one :`) And…yes, sometimes I don’t know what the meaning is until the item (that I think might work) is in the image and is massaged with other items. And yes, sometimes I take it back out…?
Phil, yes…and also the mind talking to the body; and the spider talking to the fly (originally from the “hottie’s bedroom); and the artist talking to the audience.
David, pet bowls (food and water dishes)…and also the physical connection between man and the cats’ nature captive (hopefully leading to questions about the other connections, and about man’s nature and his nature captive); and empty vessels of feasts and/or famines; and vessels filled with the intangible remnants of dreams, memories, desires (one singing/screaming above all others…a scarlet letter, a special star, or maybe just purity plundered); and the element to force the image into the imaginary, into the dream world (but who’s dream: him asleep, her adrift, that in the corner contrite, or hiding, or insane, or just profane...and is it shared by any of them, by us).
But enough art-speak, and a great big grin thanks because you asked: means it’s working enough to be noticed…and spurs me on to make it work better visually.
(I hope I’m imagining the sudden feeling of lift on my end of the bench :`)
I don't know what you did differently in that last one, but I like it. The room has "depth"