I just upload this video:
Is SketchyPhysics controlled with aWiimote
It´s very difficult to make it work as joystick, but it´s really great.For more information and video about the Wiimote and Sketchup: S.
And here is other video showing SketchyPhysics with the Wiimote Whiteboard option:
It is display on a TV. S
Looks cool! Thanks Daniel.
Cool! There's a program I go for my mac called DarwiinRemote that allows me to use a wiimote, as well as the nunchuk extension and classic controller extension to control my computer; and even put shortcuts for the buttons! hopefully when SP comes out for macs, I'll be able to test if the Wiimote works like a joystick in it. (since it's considered a joystick by my computer)
Look at this video with Internet Explorer:
Daniel S
PS: Great we have SketchyPhysics forum again.