..Country Club Interiors - Maxwell + SketchUp..
haha...yeah, i need to spend some time and find a solution for that
here is the next test.. two more rooms to go
lost the fabric on the sofa and chairs somehow..
here's one more..has some issues... yellow again..and the carpet is way washed out.. i think this has to do with having to deal with the sun and exterior lighting, like the first.... and the reflection in the mirrors behind the bar is way too clear...have to roughen up that mirror or something to tone it down..
That one is really great. I like your border too.
thanks eric...yeah, i think the border definitely helps... i realised i had forgotten it, so i updated...lol.. stil havent heard from my damn client yet.. she is going to be screwed soon b/c i'm not going to have time to rerender everything if she waits much longer
Man! These just keep getting better and better!
Sweet renderings Jason! The line work you chose for the last post seems to be too strong IMO... and what's with the piano color?
@unknownuser said:
... and what's with the piano color?
just wanted to ask that... a yellow grand piano? freaky
Really nice work Jason!
alright.. i'll go lighter on the linework from now on.. thanks for the head's up.
i know.. yellow..its existing..haha.. the whole place is very...eh..haha..
Great pictures.
My thought of the first one was some touches of green would be nice. And now I see you have green in the other views. The bar scene looks ULTRA saturated. Starts to glow. Speaking of glow... it's about time to check out the bar. Happy Weekend everyone.
alright..here are the last two.. kind of quick and dirty and have quite a few issues, didnt have long to cook, b/c i'm running out of time and had to start outputting the final images..
Really great work - all of it. Sorry the client issues - because they should definitely be telling you this!
Don't worry about the bake time - I think the grain adds to the effect. The linework balance is a delicate thing - you just have to play with it till it looks rightg to you. One other suggestion would be to export some shadows in one of your sketchup views so you can overlay them and add just a little more depth to the lower end(nomally darker areas)shadows. Maxweel seems to highlight nice depth at the higher end, but balances out the low end a little IMO.Thanks for the inspiration!
bytor...thanks so much for the feedback... let me try overlaying the shadows... and see what happens. i'm definitely trying to embrace the grain.. as you always have to do with maxwell..haha....
here are my first two stabs at the final output.... the maxwell output + multiple layers of sketchup linework with varying extension lengths + a copy of the maxwell ouput along the border that's darkened and with a bit more grain.. let me know what you think and what you'd change..thanks.. still have to print these and check the color... my screens are not calibrated yet
Jason, Great work , I am really enyoing this thread. I think that the first ones
looked better, I feel that there are too many extensions on the last ones. -
Dude nice work all round!!!
I really like the second image where it allows just a bit more of the render to show through. I can see with the style of the interior why you elected to do this style of blending!! And well done at that!!
thanks guys. i thought maybe it was a little crazy with the extensions.. i'll lose some of them..thanks.
I think the extensions only bother me when they are so close together. Like in the dining hall one, where the chairs are in the far part of the rendering. Maybe hit that outline layer in photoshop with a semi-transparent eraser to make them less bold. Overall these are looking good. I do like the style of rendering you've used with these. I think a softer look is always better for the more traditional spaces.
thanks steven...that's exactly what i'm going to try... b/c i still want them there a bit... have to finish these six by tomorrow morning
one cooking now and have to cook one tonight and then compose them....
ok...here are the finals... i probably didnt get rid of enough of the extensions in some of these.. but it was a mad dash since i wasnt planning on having these done until thursday morning.. and that got moved up to today... which, with maxwell..isnt that easy..haha.. some are better than others..
onto the next one
Yea I'll have to agree with you on some of the images... You can always make them better just for your portfolio if you're not happy with the quality on some of them! I like 'em all dude... f'ckn awesome job!