Is the world Round?
Nope. But absence of evidence IS absence of evidence
To my best knowlede the Earth is banana shaped
@gaieus said:
To my best knowlede the Earth is banana shaped
And orbitted by a very small kettle...
In Latin Vulgate Bible, Proverbia 8:31, the shape of The Earth is described as an oblate spheroid:
“…ludens in orbe terrarumet deliciae meae esse cum filiis hominum.”
In English, Proverbs 8:31 wasn’t translated properly…!Cornel
the planet I seem to be living in . . .
Yet across an immense ethereal gulf, minds that to our minds as ours are to the beasts in the jungle, intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us . .. orson welles, 1938
I don't know about the earth but the planet i live on, Zeta Reticuli, is pare shaped
oh..uhmmmm and the TRUTH is out my backyard.
I didn’t realize (till now) that Romania is part of Reticulum Constellation…!
(39 light years away from Earth)Cornel
that's our darkest secret, all romanians are in fact aliens bent on world domination..they just work in misterious and very slow ways. In fact no human ever went into space they were just beamed into Romania.
...inclusiv Vikings or Phoenicians?!?
Iuri Gagarin, also...?!?
@marian said:
that's our darkest secret, all romanians are in fact aliens bent on world domination..they just work in misterious and very slow ways. In fact no human ever went into space they were just beamed into Romania.
AHA! The Roumanians are the "Grays" Durant has been warning us about, aren't they?
talking about the world being round,
did you know that if you increase just 1 meter the length of his circle you obtain a new circle that puting it concentrically is separated from the first 16cm ?
incredible but mathematically truth. -
Mr. W. Durant was impressed by some Roumanians like Decebalus per Scorilo and N. Ceausescu from Scornilo and wrote “The Story of Civilization”..., but, perhaps his ‘passion’ was Nadia Comaneci (a 'star'). So, we can ‘decipher’ inclusiv his “The Story of Philosophy”, isn’t it!?J.V.S.,
Attracting...! 16cm are enough for a cat... to be free. -
hi Alan, are you talking seriously ?
i have a romanian in our house
yesin my father´s house
she cares for himi can get that feeling sometimes
maybe pureness ?