Excel to SU ( 29/7/08 version )
@watkins said:
Dear Oscarlok,
If I remember correctly, you were working on a method of editing dimensions. Have you completed that plugin, and could it be modified to include parametric dimensioning? For example, you might want one dimension to be equal to another, so that changing one changes both.
Kind regards,
BobHi Bob,
The script is half way done!Actually, it is a part of the script of OSCarcase.rb
And I am doing my old script(OSCarcase.rb) now.Regards
Oscar -
@markitekt said:
This is a great ruby.
We often need to create graphic representations of building programs for clients prior to doing the design. This helps everyone understand the sizes of the different elements.
I look forward to this ruby development.
Mark P.Hi Mark P.
May I know that what else this ruby can be developed, please?
I would like to understand the procedure of your work by using SU since I am not in the architect line.
Any ideal are welcome!Oscar
Hi Chris,
Namesets is a good script!Oscar
@unknownuser said:
Namesets is a good script! Oscar
Very kind, thanks. But you know it is more than a script; it is a different way of working, the technology for which is largely funded like this:
My regards
@chrisglasier said:
Perhaps there are areas for collaborationWhat I was thinking here was that so far Namesets move from Javascript to Sketchup. This means anyone who has a browser can use them (with Sketchup, as a kind of remote control). But there are others, particularly forum members, who prefer to work directly in the Sketchup interface, in which case it would make sense to have VCP input or calculated data to move from Sketchup to Javascript.
And I do not have the skill nor inclination to broach that! Although I will happily support it. Let me know what you think ...
HI Oscar!
Great to see you revive this baby... I check back every few days just for this, and to see if Didier has come up with the miracle of follow-me tool for lines.So I have d/l'd and installed your plugin, but did not yet get to try it... hopefully I will try it in depth and send you feedback very soon. This is a critically important ruby for architects like me - so I hope I can help you.
Thanks again for posting. I will respond properly as soon as I can!
Nice work.
I have a problem which I think might be solved using your plugin. I need to model some boxes. The centerpoint of their bottoms lie in a line and I have measured distance from this centerpoint to 5 walls. Then I put this into excel and IΒ΄m able to find coordinates of border points of these boxes. And my question is: How (if at all) can I use your plugin to model these boxes from 8 coordinates?Thanks.
Hello Coulteri,
Do you have any example of sketchup and excel files, please?
Oscar -
Hi Oscar,
Thanks for uploading this Ruby!
I can see great potential with it in architecture. I have been looking for a script that will allow me to take data (say the area of part of a building in square meters) from an excel sheet and translate it to a circle of the same area in Sketchup.
Your ruby loads in sketchup but it only opens excel. Would you be able to tell me how to make the ruby open the actual spreadsheet?
Thanks for setting this up. I have tried to edit your original SS to my needs but I somehow think you have the script tied to the specific cell addresses (i.e. Row 12, Column Q). I would like to create my own list but each time I mod the original SS it ceases working. It also does not read the count of the items and just places three of each in the scene.
Can someone help with this script? We could use this for architectural programming tasks. Thanks in advance.
@atljimk said:
Can someone help with this script? We could use this for architectural programming tasks. Thanks in advance.
Who is "we" ??
@dan rathbun said:
Who is "we" ??
The "proverbial" we, meaning anyone who uses SketchUp in a programming environment.
Is there a programmer who would be interested in further development of this type of capability? My company would be willing to pay for this work. If you are interested please PM me with your contact info. TFL.
Accessing an xls file via Ruby IS possible on a PC using other .so's etc.
However, to be cross-platform and quick/easy to use why not make the xls data as a csv or tsv file [or even a txt format] - all easily made formats from Excel. Then import the text data from that file by reading it in Ruby. The csv/tsv formats also open in Excel by default too.
There are many scripts already that will both read and write csv/tsv files.
For example importing 'clouds' of points in a csv to using in making a mesh, or writing out tabulated component data for cutting lists etc...
If you have a specific requirement feel free to PM me with more details of how you see this working for your office - I often do this kind of thing... -
@deanwilliams said:
Would you be able to tell me how to make the ruby open the actual spreadsheet?
if you have ".xls" associated with excel.exe, then on PC, do this:
If you wish more integration, you can use OLE calls (requires the Win32OLE.so library file.)
see:Windows Automation
and Microsoft Windows Support -
Hi Oscar Lok
I was really interested in your ex2sk ruby when I found it recently . I downloaded it from your post and got it to work and it's really good good. It is exactly what I was looking for.
I actually wanted to be able to edit it a little bit but I think it's in rbs format at the moment. Would it be possible to get the rb version of this script so I could play around with it?