Dead but not buried
No, you would still need to know the correct username and password to get to any sensitive areas. That was always the case.
Juan, by typing a different number after the "f" in the browser address bar, you can get the different forums such as Gallery and Components. -
[img]I found references to some of the original stuff that really blew me away, back when i started looking at sketchup. What stood on those images was the clarity and directness; back when sketchup didn´t have most of the features we now take for granted (transparency, smoothing, texturing....), and how all those limited resources were used to their limits.
Some examples, back from the dead... i believe most of this images are from Dennis Nicolaev.
another one...
one from Olle Bergman...
last one, also from Olle....
I wonder where most of the people from the old forum went, @last and users..., Jim Holman, Yasser, Mark Carvahlo...
got it
thanks Alan
I heard from a few different Google employees at Basecamp that Jim Holman is still around. Each said they had run in to him a few times in the Boulder area over the last year. I was hoping he was going to make a cameo appearance at the Basecamp, but he did not.
Big Thanks Santiago Molina!
Those images are great blasts from the past. When I stumbled upon version 2 I was immediately impressed with SketchUp. Within five minutes of playing with it I was sure I needed to buy the program. Upon seeing Olle's images I had something to aspire too. To me he was the first true Master of SketchUp. I was very pleased to get to meet him at the first 3dBaseCamp. I'm not sure I communicated effectively to him just how inspiring I found the early work he posted. I'm still blown away by the clarity of his pure SketchUp renderings. I think he was the first user to do detailed interiors in his models. If you look carefully it also seems he is very efficient. I also note that at the time he was doing the images Santiago Molina posted above, Olle didn't have the luxury of lots of pre-made components. If he wanted a chair, he had to make it himself.Thanks again Olle for all the inspiration!
Regards, Ross
I thought I'd point out that the old forums were also all moved to the google pro groups. I hate the groups, and its a pain to browse through there for me, but if in case the old forums link ever do disappear , the whole forum was archived into the groups (at least I think the whole forum was). For example, this is the first post (i think) to the gallery forum in the old forum:
Here is its equivalent in the groups:
Yes, you are right, Chris. The only problem is that the cross references do not work any more.
The crossreferences don't work exactly right in the archived forums either though. They used to be hosted at Now they are on So any time you are reading through and find a link to, you'll need to replace "forums" with "betaforum". But that is also how it would work in the archive at google groups, now that people know where to find the old sketchup forum based archive. I hope that makes sense. Truly those old archives are amazing, wherever you look through them at.
Yes, exactly, Chris, but this (renaming) only works as long as the old forums stay online. Good news that it seems they don't want to remove them (for the time being) at least that's what Brad says
Gotcha!, yes that makes perfect sense. Indeed that only works as long as it stays online at the betaforum.