Confirmed: Apple files suit against Psystar
Hi Guys,
It looks like Apple are going after Psystar here, I wonder if they have read / seen this!
Forgive my ignorance but .. who is Psystar? and why should I care? does this have something to do with SU?? Google?? Me??
Not being rude... Just asking
Mike RL
Psystar is a company who were/are selling PC hardware with os x pre installed.
You may not care at all, in the grand scheme of things its not very significant, but on a smaller scale its interesting to see how apple are handling the situation (its never happened before, and i think theres a general assumption that trying to restrict software to proprietary hardware is a bit shakey legally.)
so.. essentially they're building IBM compatibles with OS X rather than Windows?!? Isn't that a good thing for Apple?? I guess I should read up on it to understand the who, what and why.
Yeha, thats pretty much all theyre doing.
As for it bring good for apple, i doubt it. Its a well known fact that apple charges a ludicrous amount for its hardware, so i suspect that is where they make a lot of their cash, therefore them not selling hardware=losing lots of money
(This is my opinion and my understanding of a complex situation)
That was what hurt apple from the get-go though was that their product was on lockdown, not as open for other developers to make. Less competition means higher prices. So PC's took off because there was a lot of market competition for the internal bits and pieces. A person has always been able to go buy the baords and pieces to make a PC "from scratch". No one can do that with a Mac. That hurts the Mac to not have techy geeks building their Mac product for a small profit. PC's are always behind the Mac in technology though, but that is because they fought to have open market standards so everyone could develop for the PC, thus slowing down their ability to adopt new hardware protocols. But Mac could speed along with technology because they didn't have to coordinate such standards to the same extent that the PC has decided to do. So Mac has always been more stable, more technologically advanced in many respects, and even cooler looking because its only them desinging the things. Of course, they are also significantly more expensive.
All hail the PC!
Have you got any examples of this? i was under the impression that both systems adopted new technology at a similar rate (although i dont know any of the history, so i could be wrong.)
Just in the earlier days (I don't know whats under the hood now) but they were running scsi drives that were faster, early adoption of firewire, and also digital video outputs. I guess thats what I was thinking of. They could adopt these standards faster because they didn't have to worry standard case dimension specifications, new board compatibilty with older boards. That is my understanding.
Cheers, like i said i dont really know a lot about the hardware of old so examples help me
In terms of modern hardware i understand macs and PCs are on a pretty level footing really. The only difference being, as you said, macs dont have to worry about standardisation of their hardware in the same way PCs have to.
The point of my post seems to have been missed. The second link
shows that Psystar doesn't even have a base! It looks like their
web site / sales deck was a scam!Mike
I read about them a while ago, when they first started up, and there was indeed some funny business, although i thought the latest reports were that people were getting their machines, so i assumed they were legit. I'll try and find the relevant article.
Well theres a review here and here , so some machines are getting out.
Saying that its not looking too good for the companies future:
Yeah, sorry to hijack the thread for a few turns there Mike. I also read an article showing that they appear to not even exist. Who knows, those machines that were delivered might be a part of the hoax too. Or maybe they are something hacked together by a guy just to make it look legit and actually sent out to real customers. Its a silly thing. I hate Mac.
If a person.. say me, decided to buy a "PC" but not format it for "Windows" and install "OS X", could this not be done? or would the Bios need to be changed as well? If OS X is so much better than Windows... Why can't people do it themselves?
Mike RL
Sorry.. I think I meant "DOS"
Mike RL
Can be done.
3 easy steps:
I cannot see why one would not be allowed to if you purchased the Mac OS legitimately.
Its in the apple EULA, no idea why but it is.
Mike, its not quite as simple as that. There are 2 major problems. Firstly all apple computers have a little chip in them that verifies the computer as apple hardware, without this the machine (theoretically) cant boot up os x. The second problem is the lack of hardware drivers. Because apple is able to control what hardawre goes on their machines they only have drivers for a very select few bits of kit, so anything that isnt used by apple anyway has to have modded drivers written for it by someone.
Their are work arounds, obviously, but these are the main obstacles to installing os x on standard hardware.
so... damned if you do.. damned if you don't. You can either pay too much for Mac or pay little for PC and a bunch more to "renovate".
Being that Mac has "allowed" the ability to install widows on their computers, should they have the courtesy to reciprocate??
Mike RL
You think they'd let me install my copy of Leopard, which is on my Mac, onto my wife's PC?? I guess the registration might be a problem, huh?!?
Mike RL
well now after hearing about the EULA restrictions, I guess not as that would be illegal.