Moving points
With move tool, I can pick a point to move but how do you move number of points together?
I dont think you can do it purely through selecting points, but if you join the points with a line it would achieve the same thing.
AS Remus says, in order to move points simultaneously they will need to be joined with a line(s), because you can only multiple select lines or faces...not points. The line doesn't actually need to be part of the mesh, of course. You can make some temporary cunstructions and then delete them when finished. They don't even need to be joined. It's quicker to do than explain.
For instance, imagine a 3D human want to raise the corners of the mouth symetrically. You could extend a line forward from each corner of the mouth, select both the lines, then use the Move tool to raise them vertically, dragging both corners of the mouth with them.
When I select a point are there any visual clues? I can move points but I can't seem to see it.
No, there arent any visual clues because you cant really select points, its purely a function of the move tool (and probably some others which i cant think of.)
You can move a point or a line or a face without actually selecting can't select a point in any case. The only visual clue is that it will "light-up" when the cursor is hovering over it
Ok thanks, I wonder if all you ruby masters out there might be able to come up with something...
Id imagine its possible, probably just a case of wether or not anyoen can be bothered to do it
Here is the model I built. I needed to move the roof peaks from flat roof plan so I couldn’t cross connect points with lines to move it. The points were already connected with ridgelines, which needed to slope. I ended up moving each peak points using inferences.