[Plugin] fretboard.rb
I found this "lost" plugin on a cnc forum. It was originally posted at at guitar-list.com, but the site is down at the moment.
Have you been wandering here, Jim?
http://groups.google.com/group/sketchup-how-to/browse_frm/thread/8d9aedca8e01f07d# -
@gaieus said:
Have you been wandering here, Jim?
http://groups.google.com/group/sketchup-how-to/browse_frm/thread/8d9aedca8e01f07d#Don't try to change the subject, Gaieus. Your post is clearly off-topic. But since you asked, yes I read the <gasp> Google SketchUp Groups, too.
Hi Jim
Very cool, I'm planning to model a Fender stratocaster.