Home Generator+ 100kW 180A@ 400V - Off the Grid
@remus said:
and back on topic...
What topic you are referring to Remus. Is'nt the topic energy?
By the way, what you start here does not make it yours to attempt to control.
@unknownuser said:
it's the crazy A-RABS.
Hmmm, I wonder where I got that from.
There is a subtle difference between blame and reason, above are reasons and you are right about it being too late for blame.
As far as contradictions go, I made a prediction and not a statement another subtle difference you fail to understand.
I am sure you have heard the term 'cause and effect' right? well my prediction is based on just that. Right now we are in a high oil price predicament which is effecting food prices, services, heating and cooling costs, etc. What do we do?, well we do as we always have done, we find solutions.
Like during the low points of wars last century we developed nuclear power, radar, microwave technology out of arguable necessity we today are again in a situation that needs our greatest minds to overcome, and if you have been watching there are many micro and major things on the horizon that will lead to the end of our fossil fuel dependancies. Maybe not tomorrow or even next year, but I do believe we will find a solution that both eliminates our need for non renewable forms of fuels and also reduces our carbon footprint, call me an optimist or an idiot, I believe it can and will be achieved.Todays more efficient cars are not a solution, but by god it's a step in the right direction.
If I had the solution there would be no need for this prediction, as it would then have been a statement ... geddit?@unknownuser said:
The fact is how do you stop a tsumami?
First we spell it correctly, then we learn about it and how it's caused. having one happen recently also puts it in the forefront of our minds and gives huge international attention to such an occurrence, which in term gets well funded and many very smart people tackle the issue (similar to our oil price issue)
Once we realize that only God (you) can actually stop one and you probably would not, we concentrate on how we can best predict one and get a warning out as soon as possible to reduce the loss of life in future.
Like we have spent millions on tornado and hurricane warning systems so will tsunami warnings be one day.Remus, I am sorry if I jacked your topic.
Boy oh Boy there sure is allot of data up there Solo.
Firstly if you read my statement about the oil producing countries I blame not them. My finger is not pointed at them at all. I blame more the manufactured public perception. That same public perception written by those who supplied you with the mumbo jumbo you so willingly hold up as some kind of proof. Blame for me is really not the right term for it. It is a little late to play the Blame Game. Your ramblings above seem to contradict your earlier sentence on Oil exploration stopping on fine day. Developing fuel efficient cars now is really just deferring the problem to coming generations. What is the solution? That is a question? The fact is how do you stop a tsumami?Horay. I feel so much better now that you say "help is on the way". Solo is from Texas there are allot of herds in them parts. Get along little doggie Mahhhhhhhheh.
solo, its not my topic by any means! i just thought it general good manners to try and stick to the topic originally proposed.
Did I make a typo Professor Plumb? Tsunami T S U N A M I Tsunami.
If I used the word Tsunami as metaphor for a force greater that humanity can control I apologize for intending my statement to be literally taken. In your case I will slow down. Substitute tsunami for an Earth orbit Commit. Would you still be in favor of an early warning system? What would you accomplish with that? Bedlam, Panic, hysteria. Interesting but doubtful. Now we are really off topic. But to tie it all together in my way of understanding.
All the buzz words, data and infrastructure are just a human solution. What gives you so much hope in humanity on such a grand scale. Our accomplishments? Compare those with others and what you will see is that all of our accomplishments are nothing compareitvly speaking In this particular case this particular event (dependance on fossil fuel) I feel as in all cases will sort its self out in her own way. Interaction from humans just makes the problem worse. By prolonging it. What is is and what will be, can be seen if you just open your eyes and listen to silence. All of your "Great minds" are nursery rhymes. By the way could you name one in our time? A great mind. You want a prediction? I bet you quickly can't. I hope for your case I am wrong.
But I can.
Back to topic, sorry for getting into a dead ended rant (as a debate is not possible with some folk).
This topic reminds me of a thread Mike Lucey started the other day, regarding 'Surge technology', I did a quick search and found this:
@unknownuser said:
Can you name for me a great mind of today
@solo said:
Mike Lucey,
Mayor Mike
Right on topic with his interests
Nice pullGOD
@frederik said:
I never learn to understand why some people deliberately seek a confrontation...
:From a boxers point of view Getting hit is a part of the appeal. From a writers point of view there is a story in all of us. From a hunters point of view the thrill is the chase. In a Punk rock point of view my idea of a perfect night is ruining someone else's In your point of view never understanding anything is never my problem just yours.
And to Tomasz This is a bar right? Who made you the thought police? Why don't you start a tread Tomasz vs GoD that would be fine with me. Solo would not attend as he has his lofty Moderators standards to adhere to. Frederic will read it but offer nothing. You would loose. Think before you speak.
Ok. Stop hijacking this thread. Open your own called 'Solo vs Goon'.
You can start a pool as well.JAPAN
Practical use of permanent\electro-magnetic motor in a motorbike. They don't have fossil fuels so they are desperately looking for alternatives.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUXhJZZRUIg
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_41btVawMc -
This topic is about zero point energy, pretty much getting more out than what's put in right?
We do have that technology today if you think about it, in California for instance there are many home owners that have embraced solar technology by riddling their roofs and lawns with solar panels and achieving such quantities of power that they are even supplying back to the grid and getting energy credits (power company owes them)
As technology advances so will solar panels, which in turn will be even more productive, more people will be turning to this solution hence bringing down the prices based on quantity, which will lead to even greater technology as more manufacturers get into this new booming sector which will lead to competition and we all win.The sun has been there from day one, exalted by primitive cultures as a God (some still today) and maybe just maybe it really is answer which has been overlooked as we concentrate on more complicated solutions.
Solar as is most sustainable alternate means of construction is not an option for most who improve properties. Cost is a factor as is rely-ability and durability. Not only Solar but most building products that are truly rated widely accepted and certified are cost prohibitive. for many reasons. Remember those that can afford it are also interested in the notion of "Value added"
Once the priority must be to become self sufficient is when we will see a competitive market, affordable expert service, quality improves only with widespread acceptance. Not there yet but closer now than a year ago. But to truly be "Off the Grid" Battery backup is still a requirement with Solar that is if you need power in darkness and weather. ecologically speaking batteries are not good. As for the Zero point topic Data can be misleading. If you factor the sum total of its parts vs the projected service life what most fail to acknowledge is the agrigate total after the manufacturing process in some cases is way worse than the supposed gains.
Solar also has other drawbacks. Maintaining, cleaning and servicing parts that are in extreme heat and sunshine is problematic. UV will destroy in short order everything. Most who I know who have expierience with solar their biggest delight is watching the meter spin in reverse on the sunny days when the house is at rest. Most also are proud to say that they have solar. Most are all are dependent on the grid more than the panels given the fact that most are away at day and home at night. Every bit helps I suppose? For those out there who are truly off the grid and self sufficient. What you will find in most cases where energy is required to exist is that they have Diesel generators, lead Batteries, and toxins everywhere. Off the grid mostly means the absence of one.
OT: Looks like Thinkpath has had a rough time on the market. Down to a penny a share now.
Modelhead I hope your life-savings weren't invested in it.
--- Ross
@goon of doom said:
ecologically speaking batteries are not good. As for the Zero point topic Data can be misleading. If you factor the sum total of its parts vs the projected service life what most fail to acknowledge is the agrigate total after the manufacturing process in some cases is way worse than the supposed gains.
I will explain how I understand principles of SURGE TECHNOLOGY motor. All parts are assembled this way that they minimise friction due to usage of a magnetic field to separate moving parts. The only force required to run this motor forever (ok, say 25+ years
) is the force to spin the rotor fast enough to allow magnetic field keeping it spinning for a loooong period. Please note there is NO friction between parts. Everyone knows it well that you require very little power to keep something in motion.
Goon, you have mentioned batteries. They are not necessary. Please check video USA2. The inventor is spinning it just with his finger, then he uses the additional motor powered by low voltage battery to accelerate it to a required speed. It can be accelerated using same mechanism say like in a bicycle. It doesn't matter - even if electricity is required it can come from renewable source. ONCE ENGINE IS SPINNING IT WILL RUN FOR A LOOONG TIME. I am amazed - it would mean that the car Troy Reed is running on this motor can travel continuously along whole USA without charging!!!
I can still hardly believe it is a truth, but there are too many samples of similar devices. I probably build my own one - so simple as in USA sample, just to verify it (I like physics
EDITED: Gathered all important samples together + one above.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=qaCk0jK--8sUSA - 2nd example
http://youtube.com/watch?v=vDeXTXYFKAYThis is also worth seeing.
FAST ELECTRIC HEATER - Efficency = 170% ??!!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=V0M2GnQluJk&feature=related -
@unknownuser said:
Please note there is NO friction between parts.
unless it is in a vacuum it is impossible to have a system with no friction, there is always some... however minimal.
You are right. Friction is minimised. Like in a levitron:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv8msBamA3M -
It is definitely better to buy one off then to let him die in 'mysterious circumstances'.