Home Generator+ 100kW 180A@ 400V - Off the Grid
After six years of development..
Revolutionary generator. It has an efficiency > 1.0 !
It means if produces more energy that is being used to kick it off.
There are plenty similar devices on Youtube, but not so advanced.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=efCelx7qe_M -
Im skeptical to say the least.
Gotta love the little "mmmm, good idea" at the end of the first vid
1st video: if this is free energy why is the world not crawling all over it?
2nd video: the inventor himself admits it is not 100% efficient, so in that respect it is fundementally different form everything else you have shown here. I dont really get the link.
The fact remains that if this device really was a genuine method for for producing free energy (however developed the idea is) it would be much more talked about. It isnt, which makes it the same as the thousands of other claims for free energy that have been proposed.
As for the second video, the inventore does specifically state that it is not 100% efficient (towards the end of the vid) and that his engine is just a cleaner way of producing locomotion.
Although the 2 ideas work on the same principle, the 2nd chap knows that, as mysterious as magnets may seem, they do lose strength over time. They are not an infinite resource and will not supply a constant force over time (this is permenant magnets, btw.) Permenant magnets also require a lot of energy in their manufacture, which further reduces any claimed gains.
The bottom line is im unconvinced. When we are all reaping the benefits of free energy i will gladly buy you a beer for your troubles, but untill then i think its a myth.
Nothing new with Modelheads u-tube link.
My grandfather in the 40's & 50's was the chief design engineer for Northrup Aircraft. Those who know of Jack Northrup will know that he was a interesting cat. Did not subscribe to following convention. In fact he was not a member of the war machine he was always motivated by form design and bettering humanity. His military service was purely a vehicle to finance his more noble aspiration of the next great inventor. While there were many notable projects that POPS worked on with Jack most notably the YB-46 "flying wing" Originally designed as a passenger airliner that not only had a huge payload but also had no radar signature. At that time this was not seen as strategic. In fact it was seen as a problem.
Back to the topic. Northrup also developed a gyro that was started by hand with a pull cord. The basic design idea was an electro magnate perpetual motion gyro with the capacity to power your house as well as a aircraft. It was at the time about the size of a refrigerator and was intended to last about as long as one would. Also not a coincidence. Essentially you would cleanly manufacture your own electricity. So when the pentagon discovered the genious of the flying wing that was invisible they also stumbled upon the electro magnet gyro. Ron Reagan in the 80's borrowed or took ownership this technology to begin to build a massive scaled up version deep below ground in Kentucy called the "super conductor" As an alternate to Nuke and coal. According to POPS the utility lobbiests back then killed the Northrup perpetual motion generator. The fact remains that the technology is so simple that it would/could/may still yet render the power grid as obsolete.
It is good to see someone who disbelieves..
Something more engineered for you Remus:
@remus said:
if this is free energy why is the world not crawling all over it?
It is relatively new invention, still being developed.
@remus said:
I dont really get the link.
It is just a sample of similar device based on same principles.
I cannot comment on the efficiency, I don't hear him mentioning it, but I am not a native speaker and sound quality is really poor.Check this link - for a simple explanation of the principles.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=qaCk0jK--8sThis solution has been scaled up in previously mentioned examples.
@remus said:
When we are all reaping the benefits of free energy i will gladly buy you a beer for your troubles, but untill then i think its a myth.
It will take some time. It is just a beginning. You will say I am too naive. Time will tell.
This technology is too simple to stop it for being employed for our benefit.You are right that permanent magnets have some defined lifespan, but AFAIK it is >100 years.
They do not like to be overheated (above 200C).I don't think when used in such a device they would wear off much faster.@remus said:
Permenant magnets also require a lot of energy in their manufacture, which further reduces any claimed gains.
It is simply not true. Even neodymium-iron-boron (NIB)magnets are not expensive.
The current cheapest permanent magnets, allowing for field strengths, are flexible and ceramic magnets, however these are also among the weakest types. Of the strong magnets neodymium-iron-boron (NIB) magnets. These magnets are more expensive than most other magnetic materials per kg, but due to their intense field are smaller and cheaper in many applications.You can buy those powerful magnets for 0.60 cents. Is it expensive?
The guy from fist video would like to sell his generator for ca 5,000$ (AU?). It is not free energy.. but very cheap.
What I have gathered here are the links showing devices based on similar principles coming from around Globe - Australia, Hungary\Canada, USA. The Hungarian solution has been build by professional engineers not by an enthusiast.
@unknownuser said:
But for now I still believe that getting something from nothing is in the category of magic.
It is not Nothing - Xrays were also unknown and radio waves and.. I can multiple examples.
Magnetic field has to be taken more seriously. It simply removes the necessity of those parts of engines which cause a lot of friction.Here comes another solution from USA:
Is it a coincidence?? No, it can't be.
USA - 2nd example
http://youtube.com/watch?v=jt5z8L4LBJE -
@unknownuser said:
I believe that magnets envoke cancer and interfer with the ammune system. Figure that one out for me....cheers!!
Do not demonise it. It all depends on the strength of the field. Probably we will encounter different kind of 'issues' when it will get under our roofs, but I believe they would be handled much easier than current pollution and radioactive wastes. Zero Point Energy, as they call it, exists everywhere in a space. It is 'just' a matter of harnessing it. Does the name Nicola TESLA tell you anything? Check the wikipedia.
Hi started his discoveries in 19th century and he believed we can find 'free' energy.The light is also an electro-magnetic radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye.
We are living in times when Quantum Physics, old 'Ether' ideas and meta-physics are being melted together to create some unique uniform science - not a separate disciplines - but all combined. Really interesting.
@unknownuser said:
Nikola Tesla
Tesla 'Harnesses' Cosmic EnergyInventor Announces Discovery of Power to Displace Fuel in Driving Machinery
Calls Sun Main Source
A principle by which power for driving the machinery of the world may be derived from the cosmic energy which operates the universe, has been discovered by Nikola Tesla, noted physicist and inventor of scientific devices, he announced today.
This principle, which taps a source of power described as "everywhere present in unlimited quantities" and which may be transmitted by wire or wireless from central plants to any part of the globe, will eliminate the need of coal, oil, gas or any other of the common fuels, he said.
Dr. Tesla in a statement today at his hotel indicated the time was not far distant when the principle would be ready for practical commercial development.
Asked whether the sudden introduction of his principle would upset the present economic system, Dr. Tesla replied, "It is badly upset already." He added that now as never before was the time ripe for the development of new resources.
While in its present form the theory calls for the development of the energy in central plants requiring vast machinery, Dr. Tesla said he might be able to work out a plan for its use by individuals.
The central source of cosmic energy for the earth is the sun, Dr. Tesla said, but "night will not interrupt the flow of the new power supply."
- Philadelphia Public Ledger — November 2, 1933
Are We ready for the Global shift? I don't think so, but it looks it is inevitable.
I predict that man will cease drilling for oil before it is depleated. This global oil price hike is going to prove to be a good thing in the long run (as much as it pains us right now) as everyone is effected and everyone is now seriously seeking solutions.
Oh boy....
Let me try explain without stooping to your level of insult. (or not)
Firstly we need to get our facts straight, one would think a person of your assumed status would have a divine understanding of the situation without showing prejudices.
The high oil prices are the result of many factors and believe it or not the "A-RABS" as you so condescendingly refer to are not part of the problem.
- Soaring demand from nations like China and India
In 1986, China consumed 2 million barrels of oil per day (com pared with about 16 million barrels per day in the United States at the time.) By 2006, China was consuming more than 7.4 million barrels per day, according to the U.S. , and rising. In April 2008, reported that China’s oil consumption had jumped another 2.5% over a year earlier.
In India, oil consumption has risen from just over 1 million barrels per day in 1990 to 2.63 million barrels per day today. And let’s not forget the United States, which consumes more than a quarter of the world’s combined energy products. Energy demand is growing there, too, despite an economic slowdown in 2008, to 20.63 million barrels of oil per day in April 2008, compared with 19.6 million barrels per day in 2000.Worldwide, year-to-year demand for oil has increased by over 1 million barrels per day on average every year since 1991. The increase was especially steep in 1999 (when demand increased by 1.7 million barrels) 2004 (2.6 million) and 2007 (1.7 million).
- Commodity futures trading
The speculation problem A new report released last month by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations concludes that market speculation has played a role in the rise of oil and gas prices. It points a finger not only at commodity funds and hedge funds, but also at large institutional investors such as pension funds and mutual funds, which have become major participants in the energy markets over the past several years.The investigation found that an estimated $60 billion has poured into regulated U.S. oil futures markets in the past few years. While this sounds like a lot (and it certainly is), the amount that has gone into non-regulated exchanges overseas is inestimable. Therein lies the problem.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission oversees all futures trading on U.S. markets, and it's constantly monitoring the positions of large speculators. However, the CFTC has no jurisdiction over exchanges that are outside the U.S. or in the murky over-the-counter market where billions of dollars of contracts are traded all the time. This leaves the oil markets subject to price manipulation or price distortion as a result of speculative money flows that cannot be regulated or monitored. One excerpt from the Senate's report reads as follows:
As an increasing number of U.S. energy trades [occur] on unregulated, OTC electronic exchanges or through foreign exchanges, the CFTC's large trading reporting system becomes less and less accurate, the trading data becomes less and less useful, and its market oversight program becomes less comprehensive.... A trader may take a position on an unregulated electronic exchange or on a foreign exchange that is either in addition to or opposite from the positions the trader has taken on the NYMEX, and thereby avoid and distort the large trader reporting system. Not only can the CFTC be misled by these trading practices, but these trading practices could render the CFTC weekly publication of energy market trading data, intended to be used by the public, as incomplete and misleading.
-Production capacity
It used to be that whe n oil markets got tight, either because of economic or political reasons, big oil-producing nations like Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq and even the United States could pump more oil to stabilize supplies.
No longer. On average, the world’s spare oil-production capacity was just under 3 million barrels of oil per day in the 1990s. It peaked at near 6 million barrels in 2002. But it has plummeted since then to 1.5 million barrels of oil per day or less. That’s almost insignificant in real terms. Excess capacity that small can be wiped out by a sudden, minor political crisis—and has been, as in May 2004, when terrorist on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and Iraq drove the price of oil to $40 a barrel. The price hasn’t stopped rising. The partial closing of a BP Alaskan oil field in 2006 also caused a price spike.Saudi oil officials were claiming just a few years ago that they could pump as much as 15 million barrels per day. But that’s a myth. For the last several years, Saudi Arabia's capacity to pump oil has been stuck between 10 and 11 million barrels a day.
A little help is on the way. In 2009, Saudi Arabia will be able to add an additional 1.2 million barrels a day to world supplies, thanks to the development of , a 1,116-square mile field almost as large as Rhode Island in the east-central part of the country. That’s good news—for a while. The Khurais oil field is Saudi Arabia’s last of the giant-producing fields it can develop. There is one other big field it will develop, the so-called Manifa field off-shore in the Persian Gulf, but oil there is much harder to reach and will be more expensive to produce.
Things will get marginally better in the near future, but never a good as we here in the USA had it when the rest of the world needed to find solutions and downsize to fuel efficient cars in the eighties. I live in 'Yea-ha-ville' (Texas) and many dogmatic neocons share your view, it's easier to point a finger at the Islamic nations than think.
You really think we will ever stop drilling for oil???
Dude. Nicely put I have never heard anything so stupid. Perhaps you should expand on your basis for this hopeful statement?The fact is that yes we are all now aware that energy price is just now starting to come in line with our lack of supply. What once was a price meant to stimulate use is now a price that is structured to not price out the market and to maintain it. Which is why that we still see a viable solution in increased production supported by expanded exploration of the same fossil fuel system. Oil companies are only now admitting to the fact that the price of gas is both based on supply as well as what the market will bare. There once was a day where the cop out was... "Hey it is not us doing this it is OPEC." BS. What was really being put out was, it's the crazy A-RABS.
The Ayatollah
Saudi arabia
etc...Like what Big tobacco knew back in the day. Once hooked it's done. Shroud the addiction in glamor and now you have the model of what Pablo Escobar created. A criminal enterprise, loosely accepted by the masses. On a smaller individual scale. Products spring up Redbull like products are the classic example those who use them will pay just the right amount to keep using them. They have got you. They make no apologies about their profitability their cost and surely are glossing over any affect of underage use or long term affect. Drug dealers have always known that the first one is free. As in oils case one long term affect would be running out of the stuff after we have become so dependent. When this day comes the only thing left to change is a moot point. What then will change is everything. Any individual who has truly battled an addiction will tell you how painful it is. The recovery is the death of many. Death confronts you for some for the first time. What do you feel the outcome will be once the world is forced to come to terms with it's massive addiction? Bedlam, Anarchy, Marshall law, internments, The death blow of the middle class. "country folk will survive."
As Solo I feel feels.
Disguise our addiction behind a "green" happy do good movement what you get is the classic enabler. Or worse for us just another one of the sheep who subscribe to the hype.GOON
and back on topic...
I interpreted the topic to be about new/very efficient ways of producing power.
@unknownuser said:
By the way what you start here does not make it yours.
Of course not, and im sorry if my comment gave you that impression. I was merely trying to stop the thread descending in to an argument that i dont think is very related to the original topic.
@remus said:
and back on topic...
What topic you are referring to Remus. Is'nt the topic energy?
By the way, what you start here does not make it yours to attempt to control.
@unknownuser said:
it's the crazy A-RABS.
Hmmm, I wonder where I got that from.
There is a subtle difference between blame and reason, above are reasons and you are right about it being too late for blame.
As far as contradictions go, I made a prediction and not a statement another subtle difference you fail to understand.
I am sure you have heard the term 'cause and effect' right? well my prediction is based on just that. Right now we are in a high oil price predicament which is effecting food prices, services, heating and cooling costs, etc. What do we do?, well we do as we always have done, we find solutions.
Like during the low points of wars last century we developed nuclear power, radar, microwave technology out of arguable necessity we today are again in a situation that needs our greatest minds to overcome, and if you have been watching there are many micro and major things on the horizon that will lead to the end of our fossil fuel dependancies. Maybe not tomorrow or even next year, but I do believe we will find a solution that both eliminates our need for non renewable forms of fuels and also reduces our carbon footprint, call me an optimist or an idiot, I believe it can and will be achieved.Todays more efficient cars are not a solution, but by god it's a step in the right direction.
If I had the solution there would be no need for this prediction, as it would then have been a statement ... geddit?@unknownuser said:
The fact is how do you stop a tsumami?
First we spell it correctly, then we learn about it and how it's caused. having one happen recently also puts it in the forefront of our minds and gives huge international attention to such an occurrence, which in term gets well funded and many very smart people tackle the issue (similar to our oil price issue)
Once we realize that only God (you) can actually stop one and you probably would not, we concentrate on how we can best predict one and get a warning out as soon as possible to reduce the loss of life in future.
Like we have spent millions on tornado and hurricane warning systems so will tsunami warnings be one day.Remus, I am sorry if I jacked your topic.
Boy oh Boy there sure is allot of data up there Solo.
Firstly if you read my statement about the oil producing countries I blame not them. My finger is not pointed at them at all. I blame more the manufactured public perception. That same public perception written by those who supplied you with the mumbo jumbo you so willingly hold up as some kind of proof. Blame for me is really not the right term for it. It is a little late to play the Blame Game. Your ramblings above seem to contradict your earlier sentence on Oil exploration stopping on fine day. Developing fuel efficient cars now is really just deferring the problem to coming generations. What is the solution? That is a question? The fact is how do you stop a tsumami?Horay. I feel so much better now that you say "help is on the way". Solo is from Texas there are allot of herds in them parts. Get along little doggie Mahhhhhhhheh.