Render Line Script?
Jon, thanks for the response.
I use Vue 6 infinite for exteriors, which is primarily where I find the need for lines. I also use Podium 1.5 for night scenes and interiors. Neither of which recognize my knowledge. Any help would be appreciated.
I use both those apps and I cannot natively render lines, however....
I use my viewport resolution when rendering and export my line work seperatively from SU, this way I can overlap my two images in PS with some pleasing results.Or is there another result you aim to ahieve that I did not understand?
I am busy with a project at moment that I will be using the above method, here is my flow.
- Export the line work without shadow, you can use fog ... or not for effect.
- In Podium you can render to viewport size, this way the images match up perfectly in post processing.
- Using a post editor of choice (mine is Paintshop pro) blend the two images and make your ajustments to saturation etc. I did not do much just a straight overlay and a little tone adjustment.
You could use 'linetocilinder.rb' ruby to convert lines to cilinders.
You might also want to check the 'extrude lines.rb' ruby that will make a surface of each line, by offsetting it to a specified height (1 mm by example).
Solo you're a Podium master... I can't believe it's rendered with that engine
Has the roof some kind of displacement? and where have you achieved those excellent plants?Once again: Excellent render!!!
Yes Solo, in podium, that is also my workflow. This works well in Podium, as you are working directly inside of sketchup and the render can be set at the resolution of the screen, so matching the hidden line is effortless. In Vue, I find matching the render with a hidden line export to be almost impossible. I import into Vue as an .obj file via Chipp Walters instructions and it will always import at a different camera angle and there is no way to match the angles back up perfectly.
I think more often then not, I only need the lines represented on a section of architecture and not the entire render. This means having to export the hidden lines, then erasing a good portion of it. A simple script that would create a line as a narrow face would come in handy from time to time for those that render with these programs. Perhaps you could set the thickness of the line to determine the offset.
Biebel, I will check out the rubies you listed, perhaps they are the answer. The extrudelines.rb sounds like something that would be easily tweaked to perhaps change the axis to coincide with the plane it is drawn on instead of always extruding on the z. Easily tweaked by someone....just not me.
Solo, amazing render btw! I've never tried fog on a hidden line export. I'll give that a try.
Thanks Biebel....extrudelines.rb seems to be the ticket. I was assuming it only extruded on the z axis, but it seems to extrude on the plane it is on. Thanks again!!!
I am glad I could help
Excelent plants and shrubs solo......where did u get them ?????
@kgon said:
Excelent plants and shrubs solo......where did u get them ?????
Solo have even made these available for you in the Tropical flora thread...