First Post - Last Model
some images of my last sketchup model, its nothing thats going to push the frontiers of sketchup or anything, but I thought I would post them and introduce myself nonetheless.
ps. I have been using Sketchup for a couple of years now, but still consider myslef a novice compared to some of the members here. I am still amazed at the level of some of thte images/ models posted. Simply Inspirational!
Hi Joe,
Like the design. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
indeed, nice desing.
I especially like the trasparent pig in the first image
Welcome to the forums Joe.
I really like the style of your images, nice work
@unknownuser said:
its nothing thats going to push the frontiers of sketchup or anything
You never know,a small detail might inspire many thoughts and You have allready,
nice work and keep them coming.
Mateo -
Joe, I really like the style you used here. Looking forward to seeing more
good pictures both believe that the pig in the first gives the right touch of distinction.
Good work!, greetings -
Pocomofo mad mo,
Big pig or other, I'm all down with this action...
The second image is pure party, so tap a fresh keg and just forgive you liver... Rather ask said organ for a pass...
"Do not worry Mister fat liver, you can Jack bird rest after the next round... or the one after..."
Yeah, I like the weird wood effect as well...
I would invite you to take a shot at building a bit of a fun dungeon in this style, no barn yard action however...
Unless tastefully done, I guess...
Now that I've spun out dungeon, I'm all wrong here, this reminds me of the inside of a killer cool Jack bird sail boat -- yeah, a high end pleasure bobber...
Never been big boating on the sail front, but was on a tiny plastic deal as a kid -- something we called a "Sunfish."
Looked like a bit of a big surf board -- big and yellow -- with just a single triangle sheet for a sail (kind of at an angle, rather then straight up, and down on a mast deal).
Bring it.
We took it fishing, which is a bad idea as there was no real compartment to the thing, and all your action just drug in the water, and when John "O slice of pie," hooked hold of a little perch, it nearly sent us tumbling in.
"Damn, get the water out of the worm can!"
So, didn't really dig it, it was hardly sailing, but we did see some curves floating around on an inner tube before it got dark, so pulled up to their dock (not by wind power mind you, rather by spooning with our hands, and working the tiller/rudder deal), and invited ourselves up for a sit -- lots of mosquitos in that neck of the woods, nothing more confusing then a young women's white skin -- the part that hides under her bikini top, out of the sun -- sporting a few raised red bug bites.
It's not that hot per say, but draws your eye, and then your watching them breathing -- and that's working -- but then there's the bug bite again -- then the soft smooth skin -- and on, and on... (I just go for the novelty at some point, and it always ended up working fine).
Keep the action set to on.
Durant "deep woods off" Hapke