Whad'Ya Know...??
That seems a great idea for a hotel at least, but i wonder if it'll be like a revolving resturant and you'll be able to feel it moving.
I just saw this too. I am wondering what is used to turn those floors! Neat idea but there are many unknowns. Mechanism use to turn the floors? Who gets to see the sun in their windows first in the morning? How does the elevator work when the building is spinning? Cylindrical elevator maybe but the doors to the elevator must turn too internally? I could go on and on....
@unknownuser said:
I am wondering what is used to turn those floors! Neat idea but there are many unknowns. Mechanism use to turn the floors? Who gets to see the sun in their windows first in the morning? How does the elevator work when the building is spinning? Cylindrical elevator maybe but the doors to the elevator must turn too internally? I could go on and on....
I had exactly the same thoughts...
What about plumbing..?? -
The plumbing would probably link to the center tube on which the building rotates. The elevators open to a hallway no matter which way the floor is turned. Wind turbines turn the floors while also providing green energy back to other parts of the building. I could go on and on....
Bubba Bubba Bubba,
While the door may open to the hallway, it might not always be a "left off the elevator" to get to ones pad!
What about if you like the view? That will change....
What happens when one floor stops for maintenance? do all floors stop? "I paid for a rotating view and I am not spinning!!!"
On and on and on.......
Scott Scott Scott,
I'm sure since this building is going to be in Dubai that every which way you turn the view will still be stunning. If each floor rotates independently why would you have to stop all of them just to fix one? I'm sure they will have signs posted on how to find your room, office, etc...
On and on and on.... -
what's wrong with some democracy with respect to view and turns to the elevator?
I agree the view would be nice but there would have to be some mechanicals that will wear (maintenance). Depending on how this rotates (even independent to each floor) I can not imagine that during maintenance issue they will allow certain floors to turn and some to remain static. Even so plumbing and HVAC remain an issue, I am sure they have worked it out but I am curious. HVAC will surely be floor independent but I can not image that plumbing will be. One way or another waste needs to get out and fresh in. Even if the come up an internal chase of sorts the fact remains something needs to be coupled to allow the rotation. That is going to wear. That brings us back to one floor stopping and others still rotating. An internal clutch to disengage a floor?
Signs will only work if the door opens to the same spot on the floor all the time. Just think about coming home from a long night of drinking and when you left the elevator and your place was in one spot and now (stumbling a bit) everything is different!
While I know most of what I say is in humor I am still wondering some of the logistics to how all this will operate. I would LOVE to see Revit plans on this!
it's all good fun Scott.
like you say it will be an interesting test case to see how the building performs over a few decades. will they have some problems with sections rotating and just weld them still? will some leader of the owners association decides they want there view to be constant. a lot of variables both technical and personal. -
This is an interesting conversation. I've enjoyed it... oh, and as much as I drink I would probably get lost quite a bit...
Bubba, you and I both! I have a hard time getting to the front door when the ground is not rotating much less when it is.
I just do not want to stumble in the wrong door on some heffer getting out of the shower!
Haha... but what if she is gorgeous?
The intro video is seriously impressive. It would be really cool if it actually moved that fast. Who needs alchohol.
I heard about this morning on NPR. The video is cool. The music was a bit over the top. Sounded like the soundtrack to King Kong.
They say it will be powered totally by wind to keep it off the grid. I'd probably get nauseous up there. But I dont have to worry about getting up there. Starting price. $4 Million. And I thought the Revolving Restaurant up in the Space Needle was expensive!
They did it first you know!
If she was gorgeous then I would hopefully stay.....
Well you better just make sure she doesn't look good only because you have your drunk goggles on! I've had some problems with that in the past... not fun!