Some of my works
the very final version
Schizophrenically nice stuff you've got here!
The last video is WOW! Add some soundtrack.
Keep on posting -
thank you for very very much for your comments guys .
glad to see that you like my schizophrenian art
glad to see that you like my schizophrenian art
(the other me wrote the second one
(don't worry, he is a cool guy)
(well...most of the time)
- topic:timeago-later,8 days
- topic:timeago-later,3 months
hey guys,
I have a little problem with a scene .
I try to export an animation .
when i export few scenes (3-4) I can see them normally in winamp or VLC .
when I export the totality (96 scenes , about 2 gigas) , it is impossible to see the video ...
do you have an idea of what is the problem ?
thank you very much for your help .
ps : the video is another version of this one
What video format?
Don't worry of it, my friend Orgelf has found the disfunction of the video making!
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
Please, don't stop!
On the contrary, please stop!
Yeah, please don't stop.
thanks guys !
you can see more 3d works (made with Blender and Zbrush) in my website
Ah tiens je ne connaissais pas la série des colonnes de Buren dans l'Enfer !
- topic:timeago-later,22 days
Gruesome scene in surgery. Just my perception and reaction. However, very well done. The blur is very effective as dream state action.
watching your gallery for some time now and you can see a progress of your work, day by day, just getting better and better with every day. I really dig some of your images! Wicked! Are you thinking about painting them one day?
cheers -
thanks guys
i actually stop painting for 4 years now, may be I will paint again in few years
really nice works ....
specially the si-fi ones
another animation with an old work .
Surrealism in SketchUp - I like it...