5 Best inventions
- The printing press. This isn't my original idea, but would have to agree that it is probably the greatest invention ever, for it revolutionized communications and the spread of ideas.
- The refrigerator. (this was my Grandfather's idea of the greatest invention of the last 100 years. Makes sense to me.) Prior to it's invention, peoples choice of food was limited, and short-lived.
- The internet, for the same reason as no. 1.
- The microprocessor.
- Innoculations.
oh yeah, and no. 6 SketchUp
And then the wheel, Fire, Language, the Printing Press. . .yada yada yada. ..
Gimme the Chocolate.
Does fire qualify as an invention? Or is it really a discovery? It does occur naturally, after all.
@daniel said:
Does fire qualify as an invention? Or is it really a discovery? It does occur naturally, after all.
Yes. . .Yes it does. I invented it.
Now i know you are lying. Everyone knows Chuck Norris discovered fire
I agree with most of the suggestions above, but I'd have to add one more:
Writing and reading (counts as one). Without it much of the knowledge on how to do pretty much everything would be lost, imagine having to re-invent things over and over because there wasn't a way to record it the previous time. I think pretty much everything could build on this one, just my opinion anyway.
@unknownuser said:
@daniel said:
Does fire qualify as an invention? Or is it really a discovery? It does occur naturally, after all.
Yes. . .Yes it does. I invented it.
I believe Chuck Norris invented Fire
@unknownuser said:
Writing and reading (counts as one). Without it much of the knowledge on how to do pretty much everything would be lost, imagine having to re-invent things over and over because there wasn't a way to record it the previous time.
and we had to live without all those beautyful ruby scripts (these are text-files after all)
Thems Fightin' words Sir. If I challenge you to a duel, Chuck Norris acts as my second.
You all have forgotten women! That's my number one!
How are women an invention? But I share the sentiment.
Well then... what about Adam & Eve?
Only one!
List of inventions
Borgesian isn'it? -
Science; the one process that helps us to find truth, establish facts, understand reality and works to correct itself.
Technology; the process of turning what we learn from science into usable stuff for living.
Everything - everything - comes from those two. -
@unknownuser said:
- Toyota Prius car - producing the toxic batteries for it apparently outweighs most of the environmental benefit of driving it.
This turns out to be so inaccurate that it's not even wrong.
The batteries are not toxic waste; they recycle almost completely and you get a bounty for returning them. Not that there is much evidence of anyone having to turn them in as yet. There are taxis in Vancouver that have clocked up in excess of a quarter of a million miles on their first set and still whirring along. Taxis are of course the epitome of the best usage pattern for a hybrid.
The place where the nickel is mined is not a toxic wasteland used by NASA to train lunar astronauts. Subdury mine actually opened in 1850 (ish) and like most mines was a pretty ugly place until they started cleaning it up a while back. They have awards for it now.
Nor is Prius production responsible for all the nickel mining related devastation (that doesn't happen). Production of all the Prius battery packs has used somewhere around 0.1% of annual global nickel production. Most nickel goes into stainless steel. For things like kitchen sinks, medical instruments, turbines, coinage, blah blah blah.
On the other hand, the existence of the Prius and other hybrids has unleashed so much toxic waste on the net that perhaps we would be better off without them.
My 5 (no particular order :`)
flavored ice...all forms: slurp-ee to snowcone
flushable toilet paper
toenail clippers
cotton candy...took my breath away first time (age 4) I experienced one being made
the short story form