Customizing Toolbars
I've been using SU for quite awhile and can usually find a way to do what needs to be done; so I'm not, technically speaking, a newbie, but I have a newbie sorta question about toolbars - the large tool set.
I'm using 6.4.122. In the past I was able to select a toolbar group and reposition the group in the stack which I keep at the left of the screen. Now I want to move the camera group and place it below the modification group slipping the construction group down, but I can't seem to find a way to select the group. Before I could use select, drag and drop; but I don't remember how I made the selection.
Has this changed? Can I do what I want to do? How?
-rh -
I suppose this may be different for PC and Mac. On a PC, there is a small crossbar or handle on the top of vertical bars or at the left of horizontal ones. Drag the toolbar by the handle to reposition it. When you release the mouse the toolbar becomes a small window, with a title bar (showing the name of the toolbar) and a close button. If you double-click the title bar, the window will return to its former docked position, or you can drag it back, whereupon it will reassume its barlike appearance.
Thanks for the response, Voder.
I'm running on a PC, but the little grab bars have disappeared from the tool groups. They are what I grabbed to drag the groups before; however, because the bars are gone there is nothing to grab. I can add groups from View/Toolbars - even duplicating groups that are already appearing - and they have the grab bars but those that appear with choosing large tool group do not have them.
Again, thanks for the response.
Hi Ahr8tch, hi folks.
My answer given in Google groups at:
The Large Tool Set is an assemblage of the most used tools taken from the various Tool palettes. This set don't contain all the available tools.
My suggestion is to turn off this Large Tool Set and to turn on all the other Tool palettes that contain the tools that you normally use.
These palettes have a grab bar and they can be positionned around your model window to suits you needs.
Just ideas.