Whos a portal fan?
he he, just this very second completed it.
what a conincidence!
loved it by the way.
I'm a huge portal fan. The companion cube and cake is probably the best story/game device ever created, but I'd settle for a plushy or a shirt instead of a tattoo.
Haha, I bought the OrangeBox for the 360 right when it came out... and I've NEVER played it. I've got a roommate who only wants to play Halo all the time so it is hard to get some downtime to myself to catch up. Hopefully soon though!
remus, please tell me those aren't real tatoos of the aperture science weighted companion cube and the cake (wich is not a lie).
yes, i too was obsessed with portal for a while. and now i know everything there is to know about it.aperture science laboratories would like to remind you that the weighted companion cube does not talk nor was it ever intended to talk. if it should begin to talk, however, we would like to advise you not to follow any of it's advice.
aperture science laboratories would like to remind you that any illusion of danger is merely to enhance to testing experience.
aperture science laboratories is sorry to inform that this next test is impossible, make no attempt to solve it.
aperture science laboratories would like to remind you that all of the above was writen from memory, with out the assistance of the internet or significant others.
oh ya. take that GLADoS.
As far as i know theyre real, but then i only found it while browsing the internet, so it might well be fake.
Unfortunately my comp doesnt like directx at the moment, so i cant play any games, i tihnk its going to be a while before i reach your great heights igor
well, thats too bad remus. but in the mean time, you can play this:
its basicly portal, but 2-D and made in flash. its still really fun, just like the real thing. and if you can get past all 40 levels, you actually get cake!!! GLADoS doesn't take it from you! its filled with portal inside jokes and stuff. have fun!oh, and btw, its also free.
You may also like http://www.weebls-stuff.com/wab/cube/
I like Weebl & bob, completely pointless though
I'm also a big fan! lol
loved every part of the game, and still can´t get the final song of my mind. -
aperture science,
we do what we must
we can.maybe Black Mesa?
thats was a joke,
fat chance."this would never happen at Black Mesa"
This is fun. I just tried the flash game. Looking at some of the Youtube vid's, this is something I think I would love to play.
I know I know... when you have a little girl some of the cool games just start to fade from view. I have been stuck playing Mario, Spongebob and Barbie games.
How long has this been out?Anyway, what is the best platform for this game? I have a PC, a DS (Pink - my daughters) and a Wii.
Its been out for quite a while now boo, i cant remember exactly how long, but ti was certainly out in 2007.
As for platform, id go for PC, im not even sure if its available on any other platforms.
you can get the pc verson of the game from valve's download sevice, steam.
its also available for the Xbox 360 as far as i know.
there is also a bunch of easter eggs for the flash version, go to http://www.wecreatestuff.com for more on that. -
PC is probably the best version of the game in general. I am partial to the 360 version myself (though I normally don't like first person shooters on the console).
@monsterzero said:
PC is probably the best version of the game in general. I am partial to the 360 version myself (though I normally don't like first person shooters on the console).
i presume Halo is also an exception (though not 3, as that was rubbish)
Ok so I got Portal. I started it today and finished it today. Is that all there is? 19 levels and cake at the end?
I have not played half life or any other games that might be associated with it so go easy on my lack of knowledge of the subject.
I did look on youtube to see there are glitches, easter eggs and such. It just seems a shame for such a cool concept that that is all. Games like Myst which I really enjoy can take weeks or months. I feel kind of cheated. (Not that I have much time to play games anyway).
Thats pretty much it as far as the story goes, but you can do achievements and stuff. Have you tried the advanced levels boo? Maybe there is some more challenge for your super gaming mind there?
Hey Boo!
My son tried the Flash version today and got through 27 of the 40 levels before getting stumped. Perhaps you should try it and see how far you get...Regards, Ross