UV Tools Teaser ;)
Great Dale!
But how does it's export work flow? Have it problems with uv coodinates(for indigo, kerky2k8, or fbx and obj)?
Will be finished(exported) test-model(in 3d-format) opened in any standalone uv-mapper tool?Thanks!
really powerfull tool you wrote.
Hello from FRANCE
@kwistenbiebel said:
I don't really care what SU 7 will look like anymore (kidding) . We have Whaat.
Solo's idea of renaming Sketchup to Whaats'up is far from silly.Fabulous.
He hee!
I Can't wait for this sweet action- Thank you!
Yes, interesting questions. Also I wonder if the UV mapping is preserved when the model is exported into other applications like external renderers an such.
@unknownuser said:
Excellent work!
This kind of mapping is already doable in SketchUp but it is tedious and never perfect with seamlines between faces.Dale, my question is similar to Ilay's: what happens if the SketchUp model is opened in a SketchUp where your plug-in is not installed? And what happens if it is saved in a previous version of SketchUp? Will the mapping be preserved?
My guess is :yes.
Texture positions on a spherical mapped .3ds import are preserved in Sketchup, so why would Whaat's spherical mapping not be preserved?...but only the master himself will have the answer
@gaieus said:
Yes, interesting questions. Also I wonder if the UV mapping is preserved when the model is exported into other applications like external renderers an such.
To be honest, I have not tested this, but there is no doubt in my mind that the UV mapping will be preserved in all applications.
That would be nice. I hope it will work.
No rush, but when do you suspect it will be done cooking?
@pav_3j said:
even my parents are excited about this, and they can't even spell sketchup.
Pav, I just about wet myself mate!
Whaat mate you have done it again!
I was only whinging the other day somewhere here about SU needing spherical mapping. I'm currently wishing to use a sky dome with a spherically mapped sky that would be linked to an MXI file for rendering from maxwell though with the tools at my disposal now I have to do this through Maxwell Studio.
Cheers, Richard
@jon said:
No rush, but when do you suspect it will be done cooking?
It will be released as a WIP script this week. I don't know if it will ever be 'done' so I will release it so you all can start playing around with it.
To Whaat it must be all just a bunch of 1's and 0's.
You are the man -
Snob !
(referring to Eeepc)
Nice to see the Boulder guys amazed by Whaats spherical mapping script.
[EDIT]: When I think about it, the Boulders guys should have given the correct 'expected' answer: "very nice scripting, but we already implemented it ourselves in SU7 together with other new mapping methods, modeling tools and faster viewport reaction on high poly models...you know, we are on top of things.".
I demo-ed this script in the SketchUp Lab at 3DBC to quite a growing crowd, Dale. The guys from Boulder were very impressed. This is what I made, in the first few seconds after downloading it: the cylinders are mapped with some NIN album covers I happened to have on my eeepc.
I actually left the camp with almost no greater insight into any future releases' capabilities...but I did leave with a much greater appreciation of the current possibilities of SU.
I think Asustek owes me a commission: at least a hundred people had to ask me about the little computer: "You can run SketchUp on that? I've got to get one!"
@kwistenbiebel said:
Snob !
(referring to Eeepc)
Nice to see the Boulder guys amazed by Whaats spherical mapping script.
[EDIT]: When I think about it, the Boulders guys should have given the correct 'expected' answer: "very nice scripting, but we already implemented it ourselves in SU7 together with other new mapping methods, modeling tools and faster viewport reaction on high poly models...you know, we are on top of things.".
Or WOW, lets give Whaat a really high paid job!! Or wow we really need to get on top of things obviously!!!!
@richard said:
Or WOW, lets give Whaat a really high paid job!!
I second that. He's good at what he does, obviously, and he seems to have a real knack for implementing new features in a "SU user friendly" kind of way. In other words: he has a KISS approach, which I - not being 3D modeling's answer to Albert Einstein - highly appreciate.
@richard said:
Or wow we really need to get on top of things obviously!!!!
I second this too. I also agree with Lewis too, though. We all - me included - love to whine about SU, but I think we can all agree it's a fine tool.
(Totally irrelevant: NIN, eh? I went to school with Trent Reznor's niece. She told me Reznor's "the sweetest guy". )
@unknownuser said:
Totally irrelevant: NIN, eh? I went to school with Trent Reznor's niece. She told me Reznor's "the sweetest guy".
Man that is because it was his niece you were talking to, my niece thinks I'm sweet - oh well then again so does everyone else who wears a dress! If only they knew the real me! - Muhahahahaha!
thanks Whaat! thanx ... u made the life easier
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