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How fill shape?
how fill shape?
now I can draw line between two points and shape is filled but
this dont work every time -
Hi Mcat,
There are two conditions for lines to fill a shape:
- They have to form a closed loop (i.e. there cannot be a "gap" between two endpoints). To make sure this happens, always use the inference engine (there will be a green point saying "endpoint") to snap to.
- The other condition is to have the lines "coplanar" i.e. they have to be on the exact same plane. Say you have a rectangle but it does not want to close? try drawing a diagonal line (to divide it into two triangles) and if they fill the shape, this was the mistake.
Also you can try a little test; activate the Text tool and place a text label onto each endpoint of your shape. Without enterin anything into the text label, it will show the co-ordinates (x,y,z). Say you are trying to draw on the horizontal plane and if the last value (z=vertical) is not the same for all endpoints your shape is not coplanar.
Another "trick" to force SU to draw on a coplanar plane is to draw a big rectangle and use it as a big drawing board. SU will tend to keep itself on the face of the rectangle (it will have a blue dot with the tooltip "on face").
I found script to make faces: