Exporting As 2D Graphic Problem
And, if you are exporting an image wider or higher than, say, 3000 pixels, you should turn off Antialiasing from the File Export options.
Sorry for the late reply.
After reading your replies, I might have been exporting the image too big. Just checked it and it's 7200x3671
Shall I just export it as the view size and make it bigger in PS?
No, that would most probably look ugly. However 7200 is pretty big. If you don't plan to print it big, something around 2000 would be perfectly enough. Make sure to export the image at the same resolution from Kerky (you can simply overwrite the preset default export sizes manually).
First thing to do is turn of anti aliasing and see if you can export it then. If that doesnt work, just slowly decrease the size untill you can get it to work.
And listen to what gai says, it's good stuff
Thanks for your replies.
I need to print it pretty big - it's going on an A1 poster.
I had to make the graphic at the default image size (1214x619) because it kept dying
I'll have to increase it in PS.
Also, I had to keep the Antialiasing on because one of the styles I have used didn't work when I turned it off
Problem solved
thanks to my new best friend remus!
no problem
As a rule, I export at 4000 pixels when I do my views in PS, and it easily fills an A1, and thats 72 dpi with no discernable loss of quality - my advice is up res to 200 dpi in PS if your machine can handle it.
Thanks for the advice
I am having this same issue, and I need to print on 36x48 for a presentation!!! The highest I can get it to export is 2,600, and that's with anti-alias turned off. I'm running SketchUp Pro on a Pentium 4 running at 3 GHZ, w/ 4 GB of RAM. My only guess is that it could be the video card, but its an ATI FireGL V3400 w/ 128 MB. Any ideas?