Screen flash! t.v. with bad reception
Has anyone had this problem?
When using any of the sketchup tools that "snap" to corners, the image on my screen flashes and distorts with lines running through it- it looks like a t.v. with bad reception.
I can pan and rotate with out any trouble (as long as my cursor is set to the "select" tool).
I'm having this problem on all files, not just one.
I tried removing the program and downloading it again. It worked fine for about 15 minutes then started up again.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
thanks in advance for your input. -
i dug into the other forum posts and have figured out that my problem is with my graphics card I have a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS, DirectX version 9.0 (Windows XP, service pack 2)and have downloaded the latest driver.
There was a suggestion on the forum to set the anti-aliasing mode to application-controlled. This does not seem to correct the problem.
Does anyone have a guess as to what else to try? -
You don't give any details of your computer, but most probably ýou are experiencing a display driver problem. First, you can try turning off "Fast Feedback" in the Window>Preferences>OpenGÖ pane. If that doesn't help, try turning off "Hardware Acceleration" This will make SU run much slower, so keep it on whenewer possible.
If you have an ATI or Nvidia-based display card, try installing the larest (or different) display driver version. If you have a built-in graphics solution like an Intel GMA chip, you may be out of luck and have to accept running SU in the slower mode.
thanks for the reply.
what seems to have worked for now is turning the 'anti-aliasing mode' in the NVIDIA advanced settings from 'application controlled' to 'off'. whether or not this negatively affects other programs is yet to be seen.jill