So I have color by axis turned on.I am attempting to draw a certain long line parallel to the red axis. It illuminates red as I extend it and when the endpoint snaps but as soon as I click to establish the line, it turns black...why?
It might be snapping to something close to the point you want to draw the line to.
You could proabably solve this in 2 ways:
lock the direction of the line using the arrow keys (start your line, pres the right arrow key andthen finish your line.)Or start your line and then zoom in very close to where you want to finish the line.
...or start your line and when you see the red inference, press the Shift key to lock the line on axis. Now you will be able to use any other inference (say the endpoint of a parallel line) but keep staying on the red axis.
This also works with other tools (such as the Move tool for instance).