How do you make plug-ins for sketchup
So literature to buy if one was to, Ruby or ruby on rails? Sounds like ruby on rails would be the next step or more advanced than ruby?
Rails is not Ruby. Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. Forget about Rails if you're interested in Ruby for SketchUp.
You can't go wrong with the Pickaxe book. However, I don't believe you need to purchase anything as there is plenty of material online to get quite in-depth.
@click draw said:
So literature to buy if one was to, Ruby or ruby on rails? Sounds like ruby on rails would be the next step or more advanced than ruby?
Gotcha, thank you. Good advise.
@chris fullmer said:
pushpull all faces in the model
AAHHHHH!!!! It took me HOURS to find the typename function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...but at least I know nowmodel = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.active_entities # - - - - - - - - - - - - entities.each { |entity| if entity.typename == "Face" entity.pushpull 10 end }
(WHY can't it be easier to find things on the sketchup ruby API list????)
Also, it gives weird, unexpected results sometimes: it seems to pushpull the new faces it makes too -
[Slightly OT]
I've always been very careful to use Object#kind_of? rather than Object#class so that code works with any derived classes too. (Rather than just testing for an explicit class).
Good idea? Bad idea?
My theory on why it pushpulls some new faces is because it is going through .each entitiy in the entities list. Well, its a dynamic list of the entities in the model, so as soon as you pushpull a face, it creates new faces and adds them somewhere to that entities list. It might be to a part of the list the it has already processed, so it won't do those faces. Or they might get added towards the end of the list to a part that has not yet been processed, so it will pushpull those when it reaches them.
The way to counter that is instead of pushpulling all faces as you find them, add them to an array. Then once you've gone through all the entities and found all the faces, then run through the faces array and pushpull them.
Another check you might want to add is a vildity check to make sure the face you are about to pushpull is valid. Say you have more intricate geometry with original faces facing eachother. Then if one gets pushpulled first to the exact distance that it overlafs the other face, you might very vell end up deleting the other face, and it will give an error when you try to pushpull it. So if you do something like
faces.each do |face| face.pushpull( 100 ) if face.valid? end
Then it will skip faces that have been deleted in the proces of pushpulling other faces.
And the API gets much easier to work with after a while. I promise. Just for fun, read through the methods in a cuple of classes everyday. And re-read them often. Its helpful.
Well done,
I have no idea, I'm just learning the sketchup API; maybe Chris will come by and give you his input.
... Anyways, now I'm trying to figure out how to make a transformation tool like the move tool. Any tips?
@unknownuser said:
I have no idea, I'm just learning the sketchup API; maybe Chris will come by and give you his input.
Oh goodness, I don't know that. Adam is part of the brains around here. I was hoping to learn from the responses from one of the other programmers. I'm just a hack, I really know very little about the technical ins and outs. Jim posted an interesting idea that I think is related to the question though. It can be found here:
@unknownuser said:
... Anyways, now I'm trying to figure out how to make a transformation tool like the move tool. Any tips?
Transformations are still the bane of my life. Little by little I feel like I'm getting control of them, but that is only after a few rather involved transformation scripts. I think I keep writing them because I'm a glutton for punishment.
The idea is that you first create a transformation object. You then apply that to what you want to transform. There are lots of ways to make transformation objects. And different types of entities want to be transformed differently.
For a simple move, start with just moving whatever is selected. Make it so you select geometry, then run the script and it moves the geometry. Easy enough.
- define the selection to move
selection = Sketvhup.active_model.selection
- Define the transformation. It will be a translation transformation. this is the example in the API:
@unknownuser said:
vector = 0,1,0
t = Geom::Transformation.translation vectorThe translation transformation needs a vector to determine how to move your object. The vector in the example is 1 unit on the y axis. You can make it 100 units on the y axis, 10 on x, and -200 on z. That would be [10,100,-200], for example. And it would move your selection from where it sits, that distance, on each axis.
3. Apply that transformation to your selection.
t =[10,100,-200]) entities.transform_entities(t, selection)
I have not tested the code there might be a glitch or two, but I think this will get you started.
- define the selection to move
A complete rip off of BTMs code:
model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.selection # - - - - - - - - - - - - entities.each { |e| if e.typename == "Face" e.pushpull 10 end }
then change it around and make it erase all faces instead of pushpulling them
Edit: you literally just copied and pasted, awesome!
That's good, but my main issue (which I've been trying to figure out) is how to use the cursor to set the transformation, like the move tool does; click and drag. I thought I saw something on it once, but am still confused.
*I started writing this before remus's post. I see you used the 'selection' method, I guess that would fix the whole pushpull-resulting-faces issue I had.(that's what they're called, methods, right? I can never remember...)
*I started that last part before Chris posted
and Chris, why won't it work to just replace e.pushpull 10 with e.clear! ?
...but I DID manage to get it to reverse faces
model = Sketchup.active_model selection = model.active_entities # - - - - - - - - - - - - selection.each { |entity| if entity.typename == "Face" entity.reverse! end }
Why does reverse! work, but not clear! ?
give em some credit chris, i had to type 'selection' as well
.clear! will empty an array, it does not erase anyhing from the model. Glad you found the erase! method.
You can also go through and put everything to erase into an array of entities, then use
entities.erase_entities my_array_of_entities
to delete them all in one shot. Apparently some people have ran into bugsplats when erasing entities one at a time like you've done in your example.
...Nevermind. I found in the parent directory; erase!
( How didn't I notice that?)
model = Sketchup.active_model selection = model.active_entities # - - - - - - - - - - - - selection.each { |entity| if entity.typename == "Face" entity.erase! end }
@remus said:
give em some credit chris, i had to type 'selection' as well
Heh, I didn't notice that you switched it around to use the selection set instead of all entities. Well done
Now make it smart enough to use the selection set if it exists, and if not, use all entities.
It probably got overrun by new posts, so here's my original question about translation
my main issue (which I've been trying to figure out) is how to use the cursor to set the transformation, like the move tool does; click and drag. I thought I saw something on it once, but am still confused.
Your last post, Chris: Ah, and that's easy.
model = Sketchup.active_model if model.selection == true selection = model.selection else selection = model.active_entities end # - - - - - - - - - - - - selection.each { |entity| if entity.typename == "Face" entity.erase! end }
...well, sort of easy. It seems to be buggy, and deletes random faces, if anything is selected.
How do you put all the entities into an array again? -
just learnt an important lesson about using recursion in combination with a messagebox.
model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.selection entities.each { |e| if e.typename == "Curve" edgnum = e.count_edges UI.messagebox "edgnum.to_s" else UI.messagebox "Please select a curve" end }
10 points if you can spot what'll happen (without running it!)
it counts the edges of any selected curve, and displays them as a string, in a message box. If 20 curves were selected, then 20 different message boxes, with the amount of edges in each curve, is shown, one after another each time you click enter.
Could well do, but it's worse than that...points still up for grabs.