Just... introducing myself
i've been a sketchup user for close to 2 years now.I"m a video producer of a one-man show and i find SU comes in very handy for 3-dimensionalising things like a client's coporate logo that add sparkle in a transition or a wipe, or by varous means of keying in other images onto it as it rotates or flits across the screen in some way.
Very handy as a little eye catching time filler.
Because i refuse a lot of work that doesn't allow me to include some purely artistic content ( yes i give the client what they want but . . ) i do other things like Architectural and Town Planning presentations, and while that's an obvious use for SU, the biggest offshoot that Artichokes tend to miss is that it is very easy communication tool for them to deal with their clients at a distance.
I set up the email to their client and I have a simple text clipping that disarms any fears of them handling what is seen as a "techie environment", by saying its just the same ease of use as going through the pages of a .pdf reader,
And it is!Another by-product of that communication is i am able to check certain structural aspects of the concept [ past engineering history coming to use ] to verify with a consultant that the design is indeed practical before presenting it to the client as well as to the drafter to finish off in hs CADD. Some offices also have commenced including the construction contractor as a very easy way to get his input on costing by a simply fly-through"
Brilliant!I hope its not rude to show an example of that, on my first post - but to see an actual file really gets new engineers excited. I've won a few converts over the last 12 months
I've never has any problems, except i'm playing with the SU2KT converter, but since i do most of my stuff Mac-side, i can only get that working when i cross to the "Dark Side" via Boot Camp to evil empire XP. Just a lot of swapping back and forth i'd like to cut out. I have been searching through these forums and at the Kekrythea end, maybe the keywords i am using might be too broad. Never mind i'll find it.
thanks for listening
~rob v
Hi Rob and welcome!
Yes (except for the first scene with ALL the texts), it is a nice presentation and I can imagine the "final output".
As for Kerkythea - I'm not sure what and how you have searched but it has had a "pure" (native) Mac version now for about two or three months. No need to be switching all the time.
Hello G;
regards KT, it was the actuall SU2KT converter that i had difficulty with, not KT itself.
Happily i sorted that out and posted up the Fix over on that forum. Unless you think otherwise I don't see a need to post it on this one as a future enquirer will easily zero in on it over there.I know the scene 1 is messy with text but at my [old] age, i get rather industrial with things, there's too much to do in a day without sweating the small stuff. I'm used to CAD's that have very quick! entity and layer assignments/control. SU is a tad cumbersome there, perticularly when adding something , then going back ( yet again ! ) through all the scenes & updates to see whether it applies or not. If something takes me 20 mouse clicks to do where it could really be done in 10, then i've lost 6 month's income each year on what is my main business performer. True. Think about it. That's why its a case "Who Cares - Its got a job to do in communicating this or that and i Most people who deal with me get to know if i do something like that it flags whether there's a little or a lot to take in, so they'd better settle in to a solid read.
Anway, that aside I like being a contributor, so there's lots of little models or components I'll add along the way here that makes a presentation sparkle, particularly in landscape dressing like stone lanterns or rocks, little incidentals that take sterility away. ( yes without text
onward ho!
Hi Rob,
I see your point exactly. Sometimes there are things that would make a model (or anything for that matter) really perfect - it's just not worth the effort (time, money) investing into.
And your contribution is certainly most welcome!