Impossible perspective
What a task!
Mauritz Cornelius E -
he he, that's brilliant.
makes me want to watch labyrinth though...
This is wonderful! Heavens whatever made you want to take that on! I'm an Escher fan also, but I wouldn't have thought to try that. GREAT JOB!
...what a 3D-trip... amazing!
That is great!
Now do it in Lego... -
thanks again for the nice comments.
thanks for the link too - i like this one a lot - especially because it proves that i am not the only daft person in the world -
I had a go at Escher a while back but nothing nearly as ambitious as you. the 3D warehouse too, there are some interesting Escher works there.
i like your escher image a lot, eric, glad you mentioned it because, as i am new here, (my first message/upload was a few days ago)there is a lot i have missed.
Eric, if you did want to upload it, here is a possible way:
break the model up into manageable sizes.
"copy/paste in place" into new files.
upload the files as separate attachments.anyone who wanted to, could reverse the process to see the whole thing. I bet Im not the only one to have spent time trying to get my head around this drawing, I would be very interested to see it in 'real' 3d
On the other hand, it is a bit of stuffing around, so please dont feel obliged.
ps;I dont know what the upload size limit is on the forum, had a quick search but couldnt find anything.
@baz said:;I dont know what the upload size limit is on the forum, had a quick search but couldnt find anything.
In general it's 2Mb - 256 Kb for images now. In most cases it should be enough with using smart compression.
also you can always upload anything bigger (skp files) to the 3D WareHouse which allows 10 Mb uploads.
brilliant, brilliant ,brilliant