⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
How can i transfer my cad drawings into sketch up
hi you all im new to this site and this is really cool i am a interior designer in san francisco and well i have found that sketchup is a lil bit more easier to draw in than VIZ but i still do not know how to transfer my drawings into sketchup can anyone help me out thanks.
hi, and welcome... your request is simple... u just have to save your acad file in 2004 acad format. then go into sketchup and go for file- import- and look for the DWG format and import it into skp! try. and luck!
thans juan jo that was very help fulli didnt know it was that simple casue i was trying some other stuff and it didnt help haha.
Note that with the very latest maintenance release you should be able to import cad 2007 formats as well.