Renders of Roman Theatre of Cartagena (Work In Progress)
Room with Paintings.
That's the way romans liked their paintings...
More stuff:
The first photo has a wrong reconstruction of the... well, I don't know the english word. Let's say the "roof". Too big.
@pichuneke said:
I know it, is half done.
And to be honest, now that nobody is reading us
, I like more the work of "building" than texturing.
Yes, i think it may be better to search more interesting textures...
I prefer modeling than texturing like youWell done, pichón!
I don't know what's happening, when I try to export to Kerkythea, the generated model doesn't load in Kerkythea. So no renders, sorry. Just a capture from sketchup.
I upload it to show you the new roof of the frons scenae, with a more pausible model. Smaller and more realistic, painted and lighter coffers and so on...
I expect your critics, please.
The model looks great, but i think the textures are a little off...
Keep posting the good work!
PS: The stage should be in stone paving near the Frons Scenae and in wood near the orchestra.
Thanks for your comments, Elysium.
I know the problem with textures, most of them are provisional. The textures I worked on are the stone blocks (sand-yellow-, and limestone-grey-). Based on original matherials found on the theatre, or near it.
About the stage, I know. I considered initially a false pavement of wood over the stone in the places you say (Valva Hospitalia and Valva Regia). This theatre will be a work in progress for the rest of my life
With this update, what I wanted to do is to work in one of the most unknown parts of the roman theatre, the roof over the frons scenae (in spanish: "tornavoz", I don't know the english name). I wanted to make a feasible one, not the wrong reconstructions from XIX century we usually see in some illustrations, with an oversized roof with wooden coffers.
Anyway there is still a lot of work to do, I hope I can finish it one year...
Excellent modeling, I love roman architecture.
How many poly does the corinthian capital count? -
@michaliszissiou said:
Excellent modeling, I love roman architecture.
How many poly does the corinthian capital count?The corinthian capital was the first complex thing I made with sketchup... so it's plenty of mistakes
And it's not optimized at all. A complete capital has 15729 faces
(Please, don't call me "bad modeller")
lol, I wont. I just used one of these capitals once (3dwh), an adaptation to a low poly mesh (used zbrush for this). I lost some details of course but I think that your Kerky problems are related with this. I really understand your needs to model as precise and detailed as possible. This is why you're doing this after all.
Great posts, always a joy to look at them. -
@michaliszissiou said:
lol, I wont. I just used one of these capitals once (3dwh), an adaptation to a low poly mesh (used zbrush for this). I lost some details of course but I think that your Kerky problems are related with this. I really understand your needs to model as precise and detailed as possible. This is why you're doing this after all.
Great posts, always a joy to look at them.In the future I could replace the capitals with a free and optimized one.
To be honest, my "road map" (5 years?
), is to texture the walls of the frons scenae (they had marble and so on), the orchestra, the velum... after that, I would move to Blender. I have to do that one day, as my model now is very complex, and Blender can manage big files and allows working with textures better. The last thing, would be roman sculptures.
Move it to blender? All this?
The SU pro 6 / obj is the best choice. I'm also checking the SU8 latest update / collada. In blender 2.49b / collada 1.4 importer. Obj method is better.Even I check 'selected only' output all these methods insisting to export the whole scene. ??? Better avoid it here. lol Haven't checked if splitting to layers is working on exporter.
You can try to export the column+capital object only. In blender optimize it, do UVs and texture, then import it to SU as 3ds. (bl 2.49b). You'll be surprised how easily SU can handle this then. (if you don't know the tricks on 3ds files, pm to me) -
@michaliszissiou said:
Move it to blender? All this?
The SU pro 6 / obj is the best choice. I'm also checking the SU8 latest update / collada. In blender 2.49b / collada 1.4 importer. Obj method is better.Even I check 'selected only' output all these methods insisting to export the whole scene. ??? Better avoid it here. lol Haven't checked if splitting to layers is working on exporter.
You can try to export the column+capital object only. In blender optimize it, do UVs and texture, then import it to SU as 3ds. (bl 2.49b). You'll be surprised how easily SU can handle this then. (if you don't know the tricks on 3ds files, pm to me)I haven't used Blender except for export/importing and decimate (simplify) the model, and a few things more. I have been able to do that with ruby plugins, obj format, as you have said. I use sketchup free, not pro, because for me this is a hobby, I don't earn money with it.
To be honest I was thinking in optimize the capitals with Blender, but I don't know how to texture it.
Anyway I can't work on it now...
Fortunatelly I am one of the few spaniards with a job, and at this moment I don't have enough free time
michaliszissiou, I see you are from Greece. I have started a portfolio, the only thing I have there at this moment will interest you, I think
Another of my WIP. It was placed in Athens, very similar to Athenea Nike. Turks destroyed it, of course...
(The ionic columns are not mine, but I am modifying them as I need).
Very nice, pichuneke!
Just out of curiosity - are those Julius´ ionic columns?
@numbthumb said:
Very nice, pichuneke!
Just out of curiosity - are those Julius´ ionic columns?
Yes, those are. I had to look for that on the net, I didn't remember where I got them. Julius, if you read me, don't worry, I am not going to earn money with them. If one day I earn something, I'll use my own components.
I am scanning some old (very old, about 40 years ago) photos from Bosra, that might be of some help. I think it is one of the very best preserved roman theaters. Bosra is in the basalt belt, most stones are basalt, which is black and unattractive, but incredibly tough, so the details look brand new, no time related erosion at all ...
hepf, thanks a lot for the photos, I always enjoy them
. And believe me, due to my work I know basalt very well...
I studied photos from Orange, Basora, Sabratha... for me the most intriguing part is how the wall was covered (paints, marble...?), I havent't found too much information on the net.
Respect Cartagena, I have news.
The bad one (it depends of your point of view) is that I have too much work, so I can't work on it now.
The good one... this book:
I want to buy it, it has reconstructions of a lot of roman theatres, including the new hypothesis for Cartagena...
It's a big image, click on it:
Yes. Three floors, and fits perfectly with the fragments found.
So I am going to have a nice summer
After a year, I have managed to improve the quality of the Corinthian capital, in order to obtain a simplified one... in other words, I have made this:
To obtain this (Render and captures made with Blender)
As you see, now I have a capital with one hundred times less faces than the previous one, but... I can't manage with Blender when trying to export it to Sketchup. UV doesn't import in sketchup at all (I have tried with Collada, .Obj, .3DS... no luck). What I want to do is to export it textured. The normal map in grayscale may be useful to texture a low poly version of the capital in Sketchup, as capitals are white (well, some day I could paint them with their original colours, as the marble was painted...), but at this moment I am looking for a way to export the textured capital into sketchup.
I keep fighting with this, I have used Blender 2.63.
One day I would like to export the model to a game engine.
Edit: Yes, I know that Sketchup doesn't handle normal maps, bump maps... and so on. But I want optimized versions of the columns