Make Unique
I didnt realise layout did scenes, i'll have to have a paly around with that next time i need to use it. Thanks for the pointer.
Remus, do you never sleep?
with one eye on the forums
Ha, Gaieus--Funny that you of all people should ask Remus if he ever sleeps!! Judging by the prolific nature of your own posts, your personal requirement seems to be about 2.5 per night, max!
i'm running on about 2 at the moment.
got to sleep remus!
oh, i dont have the link for it (perhaps gaieus will provide?) but there is a really nice video on layout from the last 3d basecamp.
it's an hour long and helped me loads.
@pav_3j said:
oh, i dont have the link for it (perhaps gaieus will provide?) but there is a really nice video on layout from the last 3d basecamp.
it's an hour long and helped me loads.
I would also highly appreciate to know the link to that vidรฉo
Tank you in advance to anyone
3D Basecamp Layout video
I'd rather suggest John Bacus' presentation from BaseCamp as in our "Tips and Tricks" presentation there were no LayOut tips despite the title (I could've had some - like this one - but eventually, since the ability to export png files with transparent background straight from LO since version 2, it has become obsolete).
Just another interesting tip: if you name your scenes in a standard way in SketchUp, then create a template in LayOut with a stand-in, simple model, but one that has the exact same scene names, when you take the model you want and Send to LayOut and choose that template, all your pages in that template will be populated with the correct scenes from your SketchUp model.
thats's a crazy good tip!
i'm gonna go test it now to make sure you're not on a wind up...