Knowing that you should know better...
Well, in a nutshell this week has been very busy for me. On top of work, I've had class every night, and the occasional fire call just as I'm about to go to sleep.
My wife hasn't been feeling too well and being pregnant we are making sure that everything is okay and we're hoping her pains and such are just being pregnant after her previous c-section. To make matters worse our 15 mo old got her shots yesterday and since then has had sore legs and is very irritable (not to mention her molars are coming in). The other night she cried uncontrollably for 5 hours... I've been fortunate enough to be able to work from home these last two days so I'm helping my wife rest and trying to work and watch after our little bean who is just in pain (not so much today)
anyway, the point of my thread: here it is, 11:42pm, I'm running on very little sleep and I know I should be going to bed, but here I am, restlessly typing away.
ever get like that? you know you should just go to bed and get some rest, but your mind is just racing and you end up staying away?
Well it is after midnight here and guess what I am doing?
I have been going through some of the same as well. Late nights, early mornings and noting (outside of 2 jobs) seems to be getting done.
But you know what? I am healthy (except for some of my dining choices), my daughter and wife are healthy, we have no debt except for the house and I know that at the end of the day God loves me... so I am good.
Sorry to hear your little one is in pain. It just breaks your heart when you feel like all you can do is just hold them. Hang in there and get your rest when you can. 15 min naps are mini miracles you know. And good luck with the remainder of growing your next baby
Boo, I know that was a pick up meant for CADken.... but thank you! I feel so much better
I know what you both mean, I've been doing a bit of the same lately. Stressed about the economy and what will happen with my business and my husbands business, but trying to stay positive. As Boo so wisely put it "God love me" thank heaven for that! So, going through the day... trusting in Him and being greatful that my family is happy and healthy.
as long as your heart is big enough to love your children unconditionally then all else will take care of itself. With the second on the way you need to know that the second child is actually more than double the work. but it's also more than double the pleasure. I have a six and a 4 year old and every day I am amazed and what a gift my wife and I have been given. All my sleep deprivation training in architecture school seems to have been for a purpose. Best wishes for a happy and healthy birth and continued success in your personal and professional life.
Bruce, its not the people that become resistant to oenicillin, its the bacteria themselves.
And Ken, just wait untill they grow up! double the fun! seriously though, it does get better.
thanks for the words of wisdom everyone...
i am partial about the shots babies get these days, and I am torn whether or not I think they are worth it...
anyway, things are much better, my wife feels much better and right now we can deal with a pitiful child of ours... the poor kiddo is just a mess since this shot, the worst thing is her sleep schedule, it's totally gotten messed up... oh well.
i took her to the firehouse tonight to see the Fire Engines, she was mystified by their size, but overall I think she just had fun walking around with dad
i took some cellphone pictures, but none of them turned out good.
oh well.