Abstract Sculpture Building
@solo said:
That would make a great medical building, it looks like a disected torso.
Yah ... 'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.'
@solo said:
That would make a great medical building, it looks like a disected torso.
Thanks! I was thinking more along the lines of the headquarters for the World Association of Abstract Artists... better known as WAAA.
@fbartels said:
I was thinking more along the lines of the headquarters for the World Association of Abstract Artists... better known as WAAA.
Forget windows on the outside, those could be balconies. I really like this one.
Fred "master of organic modeling that SU is supposedly so terrible at" Bartels
The elevator shaft could be called the 'Esophagus' with an office strategically positioned for the CEO called the 'Heart'
Backdoor ... ! Backdoor ... !
No, I really must restrain myself.
Or it could be the Swiss Cheese headquarters.
I say we call it art, and name it "The Miesian Grid Can Sod Off".
Joking aside, I'm pretty confident I can not model curves like that.
@solo said:
The elevator shaft could be called the 'Esophagus' with an office strategically positioned for the CEO called the 'Heart'
That should be 'the Brain' not?
The CFO has the office called the 'brain' and in this case it's a penthouse suite.
Fire Ball Fbartels,
Bring it.
This is Jack bird working.
I do dig the flesh pipe feel of the structure.
It has a vibe, I'm remembering something, a health class in high school -- yeah, and a sixteen millimeter film we all had to watch about bad Jack cough monkeys all caught up in a coil of fallopian tubing, or some kind of deal. It was all a big warning.
I'd party here, it's rocking.
Durant "climb the pole" Hapke
Looks very gaudi to me, particularly reminds me of this one.
Thanks to all for the comments and feedback. Much appreciated! Eric, I agree about balconies. If I do a v2 I'll try that. Remus, love that photo of Gaudi's Casa Batllo. Stinkie, "The Miesian Grid Can Sod Off" is one of the best comments I've ever gotten on a thread here... and amen to the thought! And Durant... I don't understand half of what you wrote, but the other half seems to be pretty positive, so thanks! Tina, you're an angel.
Some of the organic stuff can also be achieved by using 'displacement maps' which (some) SU render engines support.A quick try out:
the skin doesn't have any thickness in sketchup, but by assigning a black and white displacement image it suddenly gains 3D:The mono surfaced ('smooved') mesh in Sketchup:
The displacement map used:
OK, I have no idea how you did that but the first image is wonderful. What a great space that would be! When the Mac version of Podium comes out I'm going to start exploring rendering and try to learn enough so I can at least understand what you guys are talking about.
@solo said:
That would make a great medical building, it looks like a disected torso.
i don't know, it would be frightening to people who are going in for surgery
Nice Legs. It could become a nice leg lamp.