Change default style
Can someone please refresh my memory on how to edit the default style? I did it once and changed the color of the lines to match the color of the axes, but now I want to change it back so that the lines are black. Thanks.
window->styles that opens up the styles editor, from there you need to click along the tabs untill you find the one to change the lines, i cant remember exactly where it is, but its there somewhere (its a drop down menu btw)
Its the Edges setting in Styles...the wireframe icon on the left of the Edit tab. Turn the edges back to All Same.
thanks! You guys Rock!
If you change the style and click the 'refresh style' button (top right of the styles window) that should set the style. I think you then have to resave your template file to get it to load up the file properly. To do that you just save the blank file, wit the altered style, and then go window->preferences->template and browse for the blank file you just saved.