Useful MAC Apps and Hardware [Ongoing Updates]
Bean is a simple to use free word processor that I use ALL the time
as it meeting my needs and requirements.Mike
Looking in my applications folder I see
Image Tricks ( - filters and transforms on images
ImageWell ( - image edit, crop, resize, annotate, web previewy stuff
Inkscape ( - drawing etc. Uses X11 and looks horribly like a windows app but is pretty good otherwise
LineForm ( - I paid actual money for this. Can even read pdfs and 'parse them' into graphic entities so you can edit them.
Picturesque ( - does pretty things to imagesAside from LineForm they're all no-cost.
Thanks for the list all, as a new comer to OSX is there a freeware theme changer? Something like ShapeShifter?
@unknownuser said:
Thanks for the list all, as a new comer to OSX is there a freeware theme changer? Something like ShapeShifter?
TIAHere is one, Cricket1 you might check out this list,
Thanks Mike, I'll check into those.
Hi Guys,
I've had Corel Painter Essential 2 for a while. It came as a freebie with something that I bought, can't remember what
BTW I did not like the GUI.
I've just learned that Corel has now launched Painter Essentials 4 for both Win and Mac. I've downloaded the demo (60 days!) and had a very quick look araound and liked what I saw.
It is a major improvement over pervious versions. Its the 'lazy man's' ideal tool for trouble free quick painterly effects. Just upload the photo / picture and try the various options.I think with a bit of time it might be possible to achieve the 'Dennis Effect'!
The demo can be had here, They require an account setup but I think its worth the effort. Or try here
Here is a little YouTube presentation,
Corel Painter Essentials 4My efforts attached.
let me add my 2$.
Jing (
very nice and useful free screen capture/annotation app. it allows you to record videos too.
Rita (
"Rita is a paint program for MacOS X that attempts to be limitless, flexible and easy to use. Unlike traditional paint programs Rita does not restrict you to a particular image size or resolution. Instead, it uses an infinite canvas. You can make the image as big as you like and zoom in as much as you want without ever encountering any big blocky pixels."
Shindler (
drag any folder on this app and it will produce a text list all its contents.
Justlooking (
no-frills image viewer
media player that supports a large number of formats. whenever quicktime refuses to go vlc does the trick.
Hi Edson,
That JingProject is a useful tool to have in the arsenal. I have downloaded but was disappointed to see that the ScreenCast site is currently down. However I did sign up for a Flikr account. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
Hi Guys,
Here is a useful 2D Allpication, QCad. It has both Win and Mac versions and is very low cost.
Hi Guys,
If you are half as unorganised as me you must be looking
for a good To-Do list maker, one that works!I've tried a few and the 'list' system simply does not help
that much.I've come across LifeShaker, a graphical slant on the To-Do
list maker. Check it out here,, I was very impressed with the producer's web site and
tutorial videos, very entertaining in deedMike
have a look at MacBreakz (, an application devised to help you prevent RSI. i have been using it for some days and it feels really good to take short breaks and stretch in the middle of a work session.
.... my cure for RSI is a cigarette break
Messrs. Moderators, this topic should be a sticky I reckon!
Do anyone know a little prog which samples the program Icons on the desktop?
( Now I'm in the Mac family, too )Burkhard
Welcome to the club Burkhard. I'm not clear on what
you are looking for! You might find something here,
Thanks Mike. I am meaning an easy way to start my apps from the Desktop without folder structures. I have similar something for windows, where I can organize my apps and start quickly what I need ( without having the desktop blowup with copied Icons).
no need to do such a thing on a mac. if you just drag an application's icon to the dock it will be there for you all the time.
if you are not yet using the dock (a very handy system feature), have a look at it as it is very useful.
I understand what you are after now Burkhard. Yes, as Edson
says the Mac Dock is the most obvious way to do this but there
are quite a number of programs that also for customised (pullout)
docks, Dock Fun is one and it can be located here,, this company also produces Sticky Windows, I would be lost
without itMike
@mike lucey said:
.... my cure for RSI is a cigarette break
well, then what is your cure for the cigarette breaks...?
Thanks Mike,
that what I was looking for.