When I broke up with my girlfriend, I was lonely;-)))
i'm lost...haha.
I think the bike is the italian masterpiece and his girl friend...
just make sure that exaust pipe is cool... and ask before fondling her headlights.
sweet pad by the way... those stairs would be illegal in the states... and do you wipe her tyres before bringing her in?
@krisidious said:
I think the bike is the italian masterpiece and his girl friend...
just make sure that exaust pipe is cool... and ask before fondling her headlights.
sweet pad by the way... those stairs would be illegal in the states... and do you wipe her tyres before bringing her in?
What pad? I am not sure on what you are refering to?
Why would the stairs be illegal? Because they are missing the handlebar? It is not needed here, no little kids, only me, my friends and one dog;-) I have handlebars on the second flor.Ha ha, I posted this for fun here, I haven't seen too many jokes, and this is a practical one;-)
I'd like to get some of that action :esurp:
Pad = Apartment.
Yes the stairs would not pass code with no handrails.
ok... are u sure this is not a Vray render with HDRI lighting???? :esurp:
LOL.. i only raise my doubts becoz aposaric is involoved!:ewink:
I can see Beverly has ONE flaw - she's in front of the TV!
Actually Daniel, Beverly is very smart. She positioned herself BETWEEN Andrija and the TV.
Just like my wife does
Andrija, Will the 'pad' stay as neat and tidy without
your human girlfriend?Mike
Introducing the New Microsoft Xbox360 controller for MotoGP 2007, the Xcooter360
The Xcooter360 features many unique features not found in other controllers:
Completely wireless
No batteries, comes with its own power source
Available in 14 unique colours
Realistic corner leaning with optional Xstand360(Copyright Microsoft) retracted. - Please note controller does not right itself automatically and may require some user input.
Easily positionable with 2 unique 'Xtyre360's(Copyright Microsoft), that's 720 degrees of fun!!
Comes with a wall poster showing 14 authentic Italian hand gestures.
Realistic interface, it almost feels like your on a real bike.
Come complete with a set of replica keys and a tube of hair Gel to give you that authentic helmet hair look without the need to wear said helmet. Note - Bonedome360(Copyright Microsoft) available separately.
See the amazed expressions on your friends and family members sitting behind you in the unique Xirror360's - YES we said Xirror360's, you get 2 of them!!
Get it Today!!
@unknownuser said:
I'd like to get some of that action
Pad = Apartment.
Yes the stairs would not pass code with no handrails.
Aha, Pad = Apartement ha ha, I didn't know you call it that way. Well thank you, although it is not an apartement, it is a 3 storey house, but who cares :egrin: it is not finished yet (you can se naked bulbs, no pictures on the wally etc... someday....
It is great that this is my house, so I don't have any ispections coming over to check the handrails, ha ha ha
@jenujacob said:
ok... are u sure this is not a Vray render with HDRI lighting???? :esurp:
LOL.. i only raise my doubts becoz aposaric is involoved!ha ha, thanks, but I am not that good
@daniel said:
I can see Beverly has ONE flaw - she's in front of the TV!
yes, that is stupid position, but who cares
@unknownuser said:
Actually Daniel, Beverly is very smart. She positioned herself BETWEEN Andrija and the TV.
yes, smart creatures, these modern motorbikes...
@unknownuser said:
Just like my wife does
ha ha ha
@mike lucey said:
Andrija, Will the 'pad' stay as neat and tidy without
your human girlfriend?Mike
ha ha Mike, you are calling it neat? there is 400 pounds bike parked in the middle of the room, I am afraid that it is far from neat and tidy, and my last girlfriend wasn't very enthusiastic about cleaning up, so there are not many changes on that field of my life... ha ha
@paul russam said:
Introducing the New Microsoft Xbox360 controller for MotoGP 2007, the Xcooter360
The Xcooter360 features many unique features not found in other controllers:
Completely wireless
No batteries, comes with its own power source
Available in 14 unique colours
Realistic corner leaning with optional Xstand360(Copyright Microsoft) retracted. - Please note controller does not right itself automatically and may require some user input.
Easily positionable with 2 unique 'Xtyre360's(Copyright Microsoft), that's 720 degrees of fun!!
Comes with a wall poster showing 14 authentic Italian hand gestures.
Realistic interface, it almost feels like your on a real bike.
Come complete with a set of replica keys and a tube of hair Gel to give you that authentic helmet hair look without the need to wear said helmet. Note - Bonedome360(Copyright Microsoft) available separately.
See the amazed expressions on your friends and family members sitting behind you in the unique Xirror360's - YES we said Xirror360's, you get 2 of them!!
Get it Today!!
Ha ha ha ha, ok, it took some time to writte all of this down, congrats to you on that one