Kannonbal in the house
is the diminutive size of your laptop making you feel less "manly"? Keep in mind that these are slow, plodding beasts. It's not the size of your machine, it's the speed (or what you do with it) - uh, okay enough...
I haven't tried an animation from SU yet, I think that would require another license for each machine - unless someone came up with some way to use the comps as a cluster or something.. but SU wouldn't support that - (multi core).
I just realised that I suggested someone should have 2 SU's open on 1 computer today to utilise both cores for rendering (splitting up the animation pages between each instance) but I hope that I didn't counsel an illegal behaviour - I often open a couple instances to copy/paste.
I have this set up for VUE, the animations take for fricking ever. I have them set up on a simple network, nothing installed on the dells and ibms except the VUE render cow (node) and then they are controlled by a "head" computer that has VNC viewer, the rest are VNC servers so that you don't have to have a keyboard, mouse and monitor for each. I can then pick which ones I want to use for rendering and I can have my computer free for more work if I want!
Why don't you come over and check it out?
Hey, thanks for the invite! I'd love to ride the bike up there one of the weekends. Maybe make the big loop through Banff and Golden. I have never been further north than Calgary and I am dying to get up there.
Have you skied Kicking Horse? I hear it is awesome, though sometimes hurting for snow.
I didn't even think that you would need multiple licenses for SU; that is a drag. I am pretty intimidated by rendering times for ray trace stuff and I have yet to jump off the edge and start one. I don't know if you've been following the threads over in the dead forums, but SU6 animation export is still fubared. CraigD has been busting his nut trying to help me out, but it seems to be quite the problem. So I am having to model in 6, save out to 5, and then export from 5. Talk about twiddling your thumbs while 200MB SU files open and close, and of course orbiting and panning is brutal, too, especially in version 5. Can you guess that I am setting up an animation export right now
. At least it isn't 12:30. And I often have both version 5 and 6 open at the same time. If I could actually get decent exports out of 6, then perhaps doing two exports at once would speed things up, though why do I have the sneaking suspicion that they would just each render at 1/2 speed.
And what are you doing up right now?
Hello Kannonbal,
I just checked out your site and am very impressed by your QTVR work. I'm trying to start doing this and I'm wondering if you could share some info on how you created the hotspots within the files. Also, how did you add a map button that allowed for quick jumping from hotspot to hotspot. That was too cool!
Is there some software that I should pick up that creates these easily? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and keep up the great work.
Hi dan, thanks for the kind words.
I have really gotten into using panoramas and QTVR for displaying my models on the web. You really can't beat the amount of information you can provide without compressing a full motion animation to within an inch of it's life. Plus, having something on the site that surfers can manipulate keeps them there longer, which is a good thing.
As far as hotspots and the map go, I would highly suggest you check out Cubic Converter (to make each node from a pano) and Cubic Connector (to make the multinode movie, with hotspots and the map overlay). You can find them both here: http://www.clickheredesign.com.au/software/ I absolutely love these two pieces of software and use them exclusively for making my QTVR's.
The hard part of the whole thing is getting a SketchUp model into a photographed background while maintaining a level of believability when users zoom in super close. Hours of Photoshop and SketchUp exporting await you if you decide to start experimenting with this.
Good luck, and thanks again for taking the time to peruse my site!
Thanks a lot for the tips!
I'll post something when I finish my first attempts at this.
I'd love to see what you come up with.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Nice website Chuck. The QTVR's are a very good idea.
It is definitely getting to be time to update some of my still imagery, though. I have been spending so much time working with panos and QTVR that I really have let some things go for the moment.
When I bought the most recent Photoshop (CS3), I received a month of free access to a video tutorial site (Lynda.com, which is awesome) so I have been going to school on advanced PS techniques for the last month, too.
One of these days....... and I really need to work on my watercolor technique, too........
Chuck.... Chuck.... Chuck!!! Good to see you around!
Hey Chuck,
Didn't realize that you were in Whitefish?! That is by far my favourite town south of the border! (although I haven't visited many lol) My Uncle has a cabin just in between Kalisbel and Whitefish that I frequent for golf during the summer and the amazing snowboarding on big mountain during the winter! great place to be! If you're on your way to Edmonton, may I suggest a stopover in good ol' Calgary (The hockey is better here anyways! lol jk)
Hi Todd, good to see you here, too. By the way, your scene rename script is an excellent addition to my plugin arsenal; thanks for that!
Hi will!
My wife and I have been in Whitefish for almost three years now and we really like it here. We actually moved here for the skiing, as Whitefish gets a lot more snow, usually, than Crested Butte, Colorado, where we lived for 9 years. We also love to ski Fernie, and I have been meaning to get up to Castle mountain one of these days (I hear it is really fantastic). We have just suffered through a vicious heat wave and now there are forest fires all around us. Town has been so choked with smoke that you can't even see Big Mountain sometimes. It is really quite miserable. I have been up to Calgary a few times and we always have a great time up there. We have a couple of good friends who live there so it is nice to have a place to stay. We should grab a beer, or two, next time we are in each other's neck of the woods.