.avi Trouble
I'm guessing that the file that contains the thumbnail images of the avi's (thumbs.db) is corrupted.
Change the folder view from filmstrip/thumbnail to list or detail and see if you can get in the folder.
If this solves your problem then all you've got to do is delete all the thumbs.db files in all the offending folders, Windows will recreate one as soon as you enter a folder that's in filmstrip or thumbnail mode.
Hope this helps
Tried that already, Im currently viewing everything in detail view and I also tried list, same thing happened. Strange thing is it happens after 1-3 seconds, everytime different. But after that Explorer locks up and I have to shoot it down in the task manager.
Try a check disk:
from the command prompt type CHKDSK X: /F where X: is the drive you want to checkThe '/F' switch will fix any bad sectors, omit it, and it will find but not fix them.
It will take a while on a big disk and if you perform it on
it will require a reboot but its worth a go.
Come again, sorry bit slow today, Could you explain a little more simply. I already tried a scandisk on C though.
I have had a simillar problem and the source was a particular avi file. After that avi file was deleted, everything is back to normal. Yes, it affected the opening of other video files but after its gone all others fell back in line!
So, Rob, I suggest you track down the last addition to your avi library immediately after which the problem started and delete that file. Hope this helps.
Hahaha pretty much impossible, my library of avi files grows with 3-6 files a day. Though I know with what started the problem and I already have deleted those files. As you can see it didnt help.
I once had some way similar problem (though instead of simply crashing, Explorer just gave me error messages and crashed afterwards).
I don't know what exactly I did to fix it but it finished after I uninstalled/reinstalled my codec pacs (I know you don't use codecs thogh with your player...
A shot in the dark: could it be a shell extension problem? Eg. a right click context menu that gives you a preview of your avi files. Incompatible 3rd party shell extensions have been known to cause Explorer to crash.
I have codecs installed for my other work, movie editing. Ill remove and reinstall them hope that helps. As to the shell I dont quite know what you mean by that, do you mean my skinned UI? Never had any problems with that.
Though I am suspecting quicktime on this one... might look into that. Ill get back to you all. Thanks!
Yeah, btw, I reinstalled QT then, too. Maybe...
After playing around with several movie converters and reinstalling quicktime the problem went away. Thanks everyone for your help!