I Came accroos some software called Artstudio Pro to modify the output from SU. Is anybody using it for work purposes?
Web page
Hi Walter,
It looks to be new so I doubt anyone here has tried it out. I use a similar product and find that it can help sometimes.
i've used the previous version of the virtual painter plug-in for ps and it works great.
I downloaded and tried it out and binned it, results attached. The similar program that I use to better effect and with far more control is PhotoArtMaster by . There is also a PS plug-in. Give it a try! Some info
Thanks Mike
However Fo2Pix is now out of business. That's why I am looking for alternatives.
Walter -
downloaded trial ver 5 as a plugin for ps. works a little better than previous version but not sure it is worth the extra $30. don't expect this program to be a one button solution for making realistic watercolor/pencil renderings. you will still need to be proficient in ps to achieve that (ie. overlaying and manipulating different layers/opacities/hues, use of different filters, etc). i would buy it only if you are looking to expand your pool of ps filters.
well i guess it must be late. i just re-read your post and you were talking about "Artstudio Pro" not the "Virtual Painter" program. oooooops.
i just downloaded the trial version of "Artstudio Pro" and it looks pretty good - more in line with Mike Lucy's "PhotoArtMaster" recommendation (a lot more artistic control). looks promising - i'll have to play with it more tomorrow.jb
the big swooooosh looking thing is the program's trial version watermark