Weathers Gone Mad! (jul 20 2007)
Same kind of weirdness over here!
We've had a crazy heat wave for the past week or two, its been above 30 degrees! but then we've also had 3 severe storm warnings, a tornado, and extremely large hail (80mm in diameter!)
anyone else having bizarre weather like this?
Rain? what's Rain?
11.20pm You don't want to come any where near Worcester (UK) at the moment. Crazy weather. The motorways are at a standstill all the local roads are under water. I tried but have been turned back due to the county lanes I use being under 6 foot of water!!!!! Theres been a 3 hour power cut but having just spoken to my family and found they are safe I've decided to spend the night at the Office. Hopefully it will improve in the morning. I'm very used to floods living near Upton upon Severn, but this is crazy....beyond the pail.... so as to speak.
same downunder - we are experiencing the coldest winter for awhile. We had 4 lows form off the eastern coast that filled all the dams that were dry from a 5 year drought. We had severe flooding all down the southern coast.
Yes - the weather is changing for sure.
Nothing but rain here around me. For all but a few days, it's rained here every day since May 23rd. I'm having a heck of a time working on my suntan this summer.
You can always trust the police to do the right thing in an emergency. -
Im taking the kids camping for a week next weekend and for the first time ever im dreading going.
Unless this weather takes a drastic turn for the better, it could turn out to be a nitemare!
I just pray for a dry day when I pitch it and get setup. -
The weather over here is a little strange also.
Lots of rain in the form of heavy showers and
then an hour later Sunshine and everything is
all dry again. At least we won't run out of
water !Alan,
Only one word for those cops ..... Plonkers
I don't know about UK police but over here the
new recruits look like kids AND I noticed that I
was taller than one of themI think they
have done away with the height regulation ! -
Normally we can expect by mid July to have had 2-3 hurricane swells from the Pacific Mexican coast but it seems that in years past we have had less than our share of Hurricane swell. Yes I know that this is counter intuitive given all the attention on the Gulf coast and Katrina. But here in the Pacific sadly we are not getting much swell the past few summers. Water temp also seems typical. 70 deg +-. Winter temps are 60 to 63 deg. also fairly normal. Rain fall has been light the past few winters the last wet winter was 3 yrs ago now. Winds are light where normally we expect to have 20 knot weterlys in the afternoons through the summer. so far light winds. Great for the beach but not the norm.
The transpac yacht race is on now and they are expecting a slow overall time with light winds now plegueing the fleet. In fact... They are sailing a heading at about 250 magnetic or a Southerly aproach where normally it is a more westerly coarse I am reading that it is un-presidented. This spring we had more than our fair share of New Zealand South swells. I wonder if JOHN SAYERS could tell me if the last summer down under was an active typhoon season as we got great surf from a few swells where normally we see a good New Zealand swell about one every five years this year we had back to back great swells. See photo of the Newport Beach Harbor entrance last March. It rarely breaks but when it does it is a welcome but rare sight. Last time it broke here like this I am told was 1976. Surfers LOVE hurricanes
This surfers perspective on So Cal weather
@unknownuser said:
I wonder if JOHN SAYERS could tell me if the last summer down under was an active typhoon season
Our summer was quiet cyclone wise. The west coast had a couple but that's normal as they come in off the Indian ocean, not the Pacific.
here's my beach
Well I still can't get home, but a least your posts have kept me amused.
Just went down to look at the Severn and its higher than it was in 1874, and the peaks meant to be tomorrow afternoon, with more rain forecast!! -
Alan I had honesty considered getting one of those amphibious cars a couple of years ago as there is a quay very near where I live and one next to where I work but judging by the speed of the river at the moment it would be a quick journey home, but up stream to work would have been very interesting.
Hurray.... made it home at third attempt, but at times it was touch and go with abandoned cars, wall collapses and not to mention roads under 2-3 foot of water, and would you believe it there was one of those red amphibious car at Upton.
I just hope that everybody else make it home safe. -
Greetings from London's monsoon season...
Anyone from Macedonia here?
Apparently, the Macedonian government has just declared a state of national emergency due to their current heatwave. BBC weather is telling me it going hit 46 degreees celcius there this coming week.
Crazy stuff.
Good look'n kids Rich. You are a rich man.
Don't be cheap - buy a boat!
Soon after my wife left for the >>>concert<<< the down-pour stopped. Its almost looking like the main acts might get some reprieve from the rain. Living in a place that has an economy that relies heavily on tourist dollars we were finding all this rain very worrisome. Rain interferes with the tourists getting their money's worth when they visit >>>us<<< .
[While my wife enjoys the concert I get to sit back with some beer and enjoy Keith Richards playing on the MP3's --- much better than standing in the mud listening to Aerosmith].
Regards, Ross
Sorry for my lame comment "what's rain' to all you Brits. I've been watching all the news about what's been happening over there (we're just starting to see news about it) and man what a mess! What was it, something like a month's rain in one hour?
We've been experiencing 40+ Celsius here for about a week now. Unbearable. But about a month ago, we used to have the regular afternoon rains every day. Monsoon, right6. I1d just love to have some rain now - but I can imagine that too much of it is almost as boring as this heat for weeks.