Re: Some Funny Pics.
Infallible but only in faith and morals. And even then, only when he is enouncing "ex chatedra" - i.e. sitting on his throne.
When John XXIII was asked what he thinks about this infallibility dogma (actually a late 19th century one), he said: "well I might just not climb up to that throne".
Still waiting for the catatat
OOH Kitty is not happy
Not very funny, but still ... (my brother's hard-drive - 3615 infected files
before and now
any comfirmation?
@dale said:
any comfirmation?
[attachment=0:xy2xh9by]<!-- ia0 -->Screen shot 2012-03-03 at 6.09.17 AM.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:xy2xh9by]
The beer belt is too high. It gets pushed down by the beer belly.
Notice that more or less (and with exceptions explainable), the wine belt covers the ancient Roman Empire. They only conquered land where they could grow wine.
Oh! the irony
Just saying....