Podium Test
Wow Boo, I'm now getting really jealous. Ross is kicking out some great podium work and now here come Boo man. I started testing again last night but nothing special I'll have to post some results soon. Love this image, Moody!
Thanks solo, thanks spence.
BTW, I registered on the Podium forum but have not posted there yet. A little gun shy I guess.
Eric, that is really nice. I've been playing around with Podium myself and have been happy with the results. Keep them coming
very nice texture and model.. i like the subtle light. its very moody.
looks good eric
Boo...that is good first render...nice light. Do not be shy ...just post them.
Lovely job Eric
Alan -
You are absolutely right. However equaly if not more important is texturing. Good texturing makes even bad modelling into great render.
That looks great Eric.
Awe shucks guys, you are making me blush.