Paul Russam΄s Church and Indigo
a Vray version:(some Jpeg artifacts in the upper right corner of the image)
second vray shot (semi 'unbiased' settings (Quasi Mont Carlo), thus the noise):
And a last one (also Vray).
Thank you Paul for borrowing your (fine) model.
It was a nice exercise on overcoming the RAM issues one can experience in trying to render from SU.
This issue is one of the major things to be solved in next SU updates imho (although I have the feeling the Google team does not hear its CG customers...maybe we are too much of a niche market)
The last Riddick speak it's a "render of renders".
Now let your rig cool down, after that render your Ram must be glowing, and CPU on verge of melting.
Thanks and you are damn right
...CPU is smoking
Rendering this scene actually was a nightmare with multiple crashes all around.
I think I obtained a succes rate less than 30 % when hitting the render button on different render apps.
All the rest were bugsplats, SU stalls etc...
This makes me conclude that this is more a Sketchup problem than a render app problem.
Also I think render software developers should try to seperate the render process from SU (In the task manager the CPU resources are combined with the SU one).The crashes are troublesome, certainly if you really need the software in your professional workflow.
Luckily for me these church images were play and not work.
In my professional work (architect) I expect a bit more stable environment, a thing Google Sketchup cannot provide me anymore when I start using render software on big models.....but than again, SU is so easy. Yes sir. -
Out freakin' standing render kwisty. And beautiful model Paul.
I'm blown away, both by the SU model and by the renderings. This was so good I showed my wife.
@schreiberbike said:
I'm blown away, both by the SU model and by the renderings. This was so good I showed my wife.
Funny, I did the same thing! That is an outstanding model.
Those Vray renders are AWESOME, Kwistenbiebel...!!
Well done...!!!Cheers
Kim Frederik -
Thank you guys.
Much appreciated.
And thanks again to Paul for the model. He should come in and collect the flowers
I just want to say a big thanks for all your hard work and nice comments. Anyone who's worked on a project for an extended period of time will apreciate that familiarity can breed contempt and to be honest that damm church was becomming a big bore to me but.....
You've brought it alive again, each new image you've posted has had me and my colleagues ohh'ing and ahh'ing. Their all fantastic but my favourite has to be the over the roof shot by Kwistenbiebel for 3 reasons 1, It caught me by complete surprise, 2, its a view I've never seen before (Believe me, I've seen them all!!) and 3, its beautiful in its simplicity.
I'm originally an engineer by trade and find myself here, in architecture, through a series of weird job moves in my earlier working life. I don't (as far as I concerned) have an artistic eye so its been fantastic to see what people with 'said eye' can do with what I've made.
If anybody going to collecting flowers around here, its you lot, so here's some that my wife created in Xara as a thank you.
I'm going to take the model of the church down tomorrow (14-11-2007) as prommised but if you want it, I'll upload the other scheme in this thread in a couple of days, I've only got one more building to finish and I should have that done tommorrow. -
A stunning collaboration!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!
- CraigD
This is my last render of this amazing model...for now. It is similar to one that I already posted, but I improved the window a bit and rendered it a much higher resolution. Oh yeah...I added the crucifix (downloaded from 3D warehouse)
See the link below for the 1600x900 version. Rendered using Indigo.