1: parse error, unexpected $undefined., expecting '}'
^Error Loading File DeleteCoplanarEdges.rb
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/DeleteCoplanarEdges.rb:1: parse error, unexpected $undefined., expecting '}'
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949I copied the text onto TextEdit, saved it as ".rb.rtf". I then renamed it and deleted the ".rtf" and it asked me which extension I wanted to use at which point I selected ".rb". The word RUBY appear on the icon and I placed it in the plugins folder. I repeated this with a number of scripts and, aside from the actual file named, I get the exact same message for each script. I tried putting the file into the tools folder to see if perhaps that's where they really belonged but achieved nothing. I still get the same message(s) for each plugin. I even attempted to add a "}" at the end the line ad then tried ";}" but I still get the exact same message but this time with "}" or ";}" after the "\cocoartf949"
What am I doing wrong? Can I fix this? Any thoughts??
I am using the SketchUp 6 Free version and all of the plugins I got were taaged as free and there were no mentions of them being for the Pro only version.
basic.woodworks -
Try downloading again, and this time don't accept any extension other than .rb when downloading. The .rtf download file type is apparently adding headers to the file, which are causing the problem you see when you try to load it in Sketchup.
Still not the answer.. I think??!
Thanks for the info .. but... that's the problem... some plug-ins don't download, they simply open into a new browser page as text which has to be copied and pasted. Is there a part that I'm supposed to remove from it??
I use a Mac. I also notice that when I open plug-in files to edit, they sometimes open with "text edit" and other times with "X-code". Which is it supposed to be??
I really appreciate the help, thanks
basic.woodworks -
instead of clicking the link, right click it and select 'save target as', then save it to your plugins folder.