Ride a Painted Pony
Ha, cool. I have about 20 of those along with a bunch of red and gray (off brands) lining my garage. Unfortunately those horses have not been able to run for quite some time.
That looks pretty high poly, what is the face count on that stallion?
@unknownuser said:
That looks pretty high poly, what is the face count on that stallion?
Wanna guess?
File size is 139Kb. 4122 faces but 690 component instances. The clamp parts are split in half using the hidden seam method with each half being a component and the Acme threads on the shaft are instances of a little components with only three faces. The threads are separate from the central cylinder which makes adjust the length of the threaded rod a simple matter.
Man, turn a danged old cast iron pony pipe clamp into "Art".
Great job, Dave.
That is some tight modeling. High poly and it looks great. Dang... yes that is good.
How long did it take to make?
Edit: Show off a Hidden line view, I would love to see some of those poly'ies.
When gluing components
For a finish just right
This clamp will do nicely
For a joint that is tightOutstanding style too
Have we seen it before
Easy on the eye
For your work to adore -
Darth, that's very good. Thank you.
Boo, here's the hidden line view. I guess I could probably afford to add a few faces on the end of the crank. As far as working time, I suppose I have an hour or an hour and a half in it. It didn't really take too long. I had a real example of the clamp at my desk to work from. Actually took measurements as I went, too. Most of the parts were easier to draw whole and then split in half.
Dave that looks pretty cool in hidden line form, it really shows some modelling skills to produce so quickly and to such small model size.
Very nice work.Any chance, if you get time of a small tut showing your methods in creating one or two components?
@unknownuser said:
Dave that looks pretty cool in hidden line form, it really shows some modelling skills to produce so quickly and to such small model size.
Very nice work.Any chance, if you get time of a small tut showing your methods in creating one or two components?
Thank you Dylan. Let me see if I can come up with a tutorial showing how I did part of the clamp. The cast parts are all done using the same basic method. I'll see if I can show my work.