A fun little game.
Granted, but as the Monty Python song goes, you have to wear suspenders, high heels, and a bra.
I wish for once I could answer the phone "S_ and Associates. What the hell do you want?!" and get away with it.
@daniel said:
I wish for once I could answer the phone "S_ and Associates. What the hell do you want?!" and get away with it.
Granted but it is only because tea boy (whatever that is) next to you called.
I wish I did not have to watch what I eat.
Granted, but now you can't eat at all and have to watch everyone else eat.
I wish my son's soccer team had won their game yesterday
Granted, but that would mean my son would have lost and I can not let you crush his hopes, dreams and aspirations of being the next Zinedine Zidane (just wanted to give you that little heads up).
I only wish I had a son.
Granted, but after suffering a crushing defeat from Tinanne's son in soccer, he takes a different career path - he moves to England and becomes a professional office tea boy (whatever that is).
I wish I lived in Hawaii.
Granted, but you live in an apartment with a professional tea boy (whatever that is).
I wish that everything I didn't like would vanish, and I don't like tea.
Granted, but tea is very popular with some people, especially in England. When it disappears because of your wish, an angry and thirsty mob of tea drinkers, led by a group of unemployed office tea boys (whatever they are), hunt you down and your never heard from again.
I wish my headcold would clear up.
Granted, you now have bronchitis.
I wish I had not eaten the fish tonight...(gurgle in stomach).
Granted.. but you would have to eat the mice from the garage.
I wish that the tea boy (what that is - some young fresh faced graduate, that has to get the hot drinks in the office like tea or coffee.) would not be misunderstood by those Yankees over the pond.
Granted, we understand now, but we want to know why there is a royal order of the garter. I mean, the society of important people who keep their socks up? What's up with that?
I wish I could understand other cultures.
Granted but now you don't understand SketchUp anymore.
I wish my house were paid in full.
Granted, you live in a house worth $2.00 and it's all paid up.
I wish I could carry a tune (without a bucket).
Granted. You now have an iPod allowing you to transport many tunes.
I wish I could ride Mike Lucey's new three-wheeled motorcycle thingie.
Granted. I just asked him and he said you (Ross) are most welcome so long as you pay all expenses for his visit to Canada together with his three-wheeled motorcycle thingie, by first class return flight.
I wish my story telling fun game thread is as popular as this thread.
Granted. but now the server is only able to hold those two threads and Gaieus and the mods have to come round and kick your (well you get the idea)
I wish that i could have the radio on in the office
Granted, but so can everyone else and you can't hear your own radio or even hear yourself think.
I wish I could travel more. (Finland looks so cool.)
Granted. You'll be here in mid/late November. Nice if you love darkness and sleet. Cool too (temperatures around zero Celsius)
I wish we always had summer.
Granted, but that means Christmas will never arrive, and millions of children around the world will be disappointed. That wasn't very nice of you.
I wish my house had a third bedroom.
Granted but it is sub-let by your boss.
I wish Tennessee had not lost to Alabama this past weekend.
Granted, Tennessee did win but you'll have to take my word on it. You and every other Tennessee fan missed the game.
I wish for a mild winter.